Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Easy to use features of SAP HANA Information Composer

John SAP
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 08:35:36


Following features are supported using SAP HANA Information Composer −Using Information Composer, users can extract data, clean data, preview data and can also create the physical tables in HANA database as an automated process.Using Information Composer, you can join different objects like tables, Analytic Views and attribute view and calculation views and develop HANA Modeling views to be consumed by different BI Reporting tools.Information Composer can be accessed from a centralize location in the form of URL.

Using Information composer in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Information Composer is self-service BI reporting and modeling tool in SAP HANA system. Using Information Composer end users can import data to HANA system using .csv and.xls files and can analyze dataset using HANA Modeling.It is used by non-technical business users as It provides simple functionalities with easy to use interface.

Using MDX provider in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


MDX provider is used to connect HANA with different reporting tools like MS Excel. MDX provider provides drivers to connect HANA system to Excel and supports data modeling. You can use Microsoft Office Excel 2010/2013 for connectivity with HANA for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows.To connect HANA system using MDX provider, you have to navigate to “Other Sources” in MS Excel and select SAP HANA MDX Provider in the list.You have to provide HANA host name, instance number and authentication details to setup a connection between MS Excel and HANA Modeling views.

Exporting delivery unit based on time filter in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 04-Mar-2020 07:46:20


While export a delivery unit, you can restrict the export through “Filter by time” which means Information views, which are updated within the mentioned time interval will only be exported.After selecting Delivery unit from drop down list, you have to select checkbox and then enter the Time interval- From and To date.In below snapshot you can see we have highlighted “Filter by Time” option and user can select this checkbox to use time filter during export.

Exporting a Delivery unit in SAP HANA using HANA Studio

John SAP
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 13:02:17


In SAP HANA system, you have to assign packages to Delivery unit. Once packages are assigned to export DU, you can see the list of DU’s by using Export option −Go to File → Export → Delivery Unit → Select the Delivery UnitYou can also select export location:Export to ServerExport to ClientThis means that a Delivery unit can be exported to HANA Server location or to a Client location as shown in the below snapshot. It also shows you list of all packages that will exported with Delivery unit you have selected from drop down list.

Transporting content from one SAP HANA system to other

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


This can be done using Delivery unit option in SAP HANA. You can assign packages to a delivery unit using SAP HANA Studio or using Application Lifecycle Management.Then this DU can be exported and you need to specify the location- local file system, where you want to save the exported DU. This file can be imported later to add the packages to other system. In below snapshot you can see a Delivery unit is selected under Upload/Download option in HANA Application Lifecycle Management ALM. Once delivery unit is selected, use “Export to File” option to export this DU locally in ... Read More

Configuring a trusted RFC to be used in SLT Replication in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


This can be done using T-code: ltrClick on New → New Window will open → Enter configuration name -> Click Next -> Enter RFC Destination i.e. connection name you have created and click on search option, choose name and click next.

Assigning packages to delivery unit in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


To assign packages to a delivery unit, you have to select the Delivery unit and click on Add buttonYou will see list of all the packages which are available in Repository and you can select all packages that has to be added to Delivery unit.

Information required while creating a new Delivery Unit in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


First is to pass the name as it is mandate field.Vendor field is mandatory however it won’t allow you enter vendor name here as it takes value from the SETTINGS tab.Version # should be in format: “#.#.#” Example: 1.0.5:1 - DU version number0 - support package version (optional)5 - patch version (optional)

Creating a Delivery unit in SAP HANA using HANA Application Lifecycle Management

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 08:11:58


To create a delivery unit in SAP HANA, you have to navigate to SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.Next is to select PRODUCTS tab → Select Delivery Units tabTo create a new Delivery unit, click on the Create button. Enter the details as shown in the below window and click on Create.

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