Found 700 Articles for Bootstrap

Bootstrap 4 .float-none class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:10:30


If you want to remove float from an element, then Bootstrap 4 has a class called float-none.This removes the float −   This text is on the left (float removed). Default is left. On setting the float-none class, the text moves on the left, which is laso the default alignment settings.You can try to run the following code to implement the float-none class −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example             Demo       This text is on the left (on small screen). ... Read More

Float an element to the left on different screens with Bootstrap

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:09:02


On different devices like small, medium, large, etc, if you want to float an element to the left, then use the float-*-left class.The following are the classes you can use −Small Devices: float-sm-left Medium Devices: float-md-left Large Devices: float-lg-leftLet us see an example to float an element to the left on different screens −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                             Demo           This text is on the left (on small screen).       This text is on the left (on medium screen).       This text is on the left (on large screen).       This text is on the left (on extra large screen).      

Bootstrap .card class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:07:37


To create a card in Bootstrap, use the .card class and add card body as well −   Basic card You can also set the Bootstrap card title and card footer using the card-title and card-title class respectively.The following is the code to create a Bootstrap card −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                          Demo Card          This is the body of the card.    

Bootstrap 4 .float-left class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:05:18

2K+ Views

Use the float-left class in Bootstrap to float an element to the left.To place it on the left −   I am on the left.   I am on the left. You can try to run the following code to implement the float-left class −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example             Text   The following text is on the left:       I am on the left.  

Wrap flex items in reversed order in Bootstrap on different screens

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:03:19


To wrap flex items in reverse order on different screen sizes, you need to use the flex-*wrap-reverse class.The class gives options to reverse and wrap flex items on small, medium, large, and extra large screen sizes −Small Screen Size (flex-sm-wrap-reverse)   Goal 1   Goal 2   Goal 3   Goal 4   .   .   . Large Screen Size (flex-lg-wrap-reverse)   Goal 1   Goal 2   Goal 3   Goal 4   .   .   . You can try to run the following code to work with flex-*wrap-reverse class −ExampleLive Demo   ... Read More

Create an inline flexbox container in Bootstrap 4

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:43:16


To create an inline flexbox container, you need to work with d-inline-flex class in Bootstrap 4 −Use the d-inline-flex class −And then set the flex items inside it as in the following code snippet −     One   Two   Three You can try to run the following code to implement the .d-inline class −ExampleLive Demo      Bootstrap Example                            Understanding Inline Flex            One      Two      Three      Four      Five      

Show flex items right aligned and horizontally in Bootstrap 4 on a specific screen size

Amit Diwan
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 07:38:39


To show flex items on the right, horizontal on specific screen sizes, use the flex-*-row-reverse class in Bootstrap 4.Let us see how to set reverese flex items on different screen sizes −Small Screen Size: flex-sm-row-reverse Medium Screen Size: flex-md-row-reverse Large Screen Size: flex-lg-row-reverseYou can try to run the following code to display reverse flex items on different screen sizes −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                                   Flex Row               ONE         TWO         THREE             Flex Row Reverse               ONE         TWO         THREE             Flex Row Reverse (Small Width)                 ONE         TWO         THREE             Flex Row Reverse (Medium Width)               ONE         TWO         THREE             Flex Row Reverse (Large Width)               ONE         TWO         THREE          

Align a flex item in the center on different screens in Bootstrap 4

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 07:44:10


To align a flex item in the center on different screens in Bootstrap 4, use the .align-self-*-center class.Set it on different screens like small, medium, large, etc −Align a flex item in the center on small screen   A-one   B-one   C-one   D-one Align a flex item in the center on medium screen   A-one   B-one   C-one   D-one Align a flex item in the center on large screen   A-one   B-one   C-one   D-one Let us see an example to align a flex item in the center on different screens −ExampleLive Demo ... Read More

Style Bootstrap 4 card with bg-warning class

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 07:46:24


Use the bg-warning class with the card class in Bootstrap to set warning action on a Bootstrap card.Set warning messages like −Do not cross! High Voltage!Use the below code to style a Bootstrap card −   You are trespassing on private property! You can try to run the following code to style Bootstrap card with the bg-warning class −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                             Warning           You are trespassing on private property!      

Wrap flex items in reversed order in Bootstrap

Amit Diwan
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 07:48:35


To wrap flex items in reverse order, you need to use the flex-wrap-reverse class in Bootstrap.To wrap reverse flex items, use the flex-wrap-reverse class −Now add the flex items accordingly −   Rank 1   Rank 2   Rank 3   Rank 4 Let us see an example to implement the flex-wrap-reverse class −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                                   Wrap       Flex Wrap               Rank 1         Rank 2         Rank 3         Rank 4         Rank 5         Rank 6         Rank 7         Rank 8         Rank 9         Rank 10         Rank 11         Rank 12         Rank 13         Rank 14         Rank 15         Rank 16         Rank 17         Rank 18         Rank 19         Rank 20             Flex Wrap - Reverse               Rank 1         Rank 2         Rank 3         Rank 4         Rank 5         Rank 6         Rank 7         Rank 8         Rank 9         Rank 10         Rank 11         Rank 12         Rank 13         Rank 14         Rank 15         Rank 16         Rank 17         Rank 18         Rank 19         Rank 20            
