How to search and replace text in a file using Python?

The manipulation of files in the domain of programming plays a decisive role in data processing and management. Developers find themselves equipped with robust tools to handle files and text effectively in Python which is a multipurpose and powerful language. Among the everyday tasks involving files, one crucial operation is the search and replacement of specific text patterns with desired content. There are multiple approaches to accomplish this task, ranging from simple string manipulation to the use of powerful regular expressions in Python. In this exhaustive article, we will explore a few practical code examples that demonstrate various techniques to search and replace text in a file using Python. Throughout this journey, our focus will be on adopting a professional and informative tone, while ensuring a fair amount of engagement with the readers.

Basic Text Replacement

Let's start with a simple example of searching for a specific word in a file and replacing it with another word. In this particular example, we'll search for the word "old" and replace it with "new" −


  • In this code snippet, we define a function search_and_replace that takes the file path, search word, and replace word as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function and read its contents into the file_contents variable.

  • We then use the replace() method to create a new string with all occurrences of the search word replaced by the replaced word.

  • Finally, we open the file again in write mode ('w') and write the updated contents back to the file, effectively performing the search and replace operation.

def search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word):
   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      file_contents =

      updated_contents = file_contents.replace(search_word, replace_word)

   with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

# Example usage
file_path = 'example.txt'
search_word = 'old'
replace_word = 'new'
search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word)

Case-Insensitive Text Replacement

In some cases, we may need to perform a case-insensitive search and replace operation. To achieve this, we can use regular expressions with the re module in Python −


  • Here, we define a function case_insensitive_search_and_replace that takes the file path, search word, and replace word as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function and read its contents into the file_contents variable.

  • We create a regular expression pattern using the re.compile() function, specifying the search word as the pattern and using the re.IGNORECASE flag to make the search case-insensitive.

  • We then use the sub() method of the pattern to replace all occurrences of the search word with the replace word in the file contents.

  • Finally, we open the file again in write mode ('w') and write the updated contents back to the file, effectively performing the case-insensitive search and replace operation.

import re

def case_insensitive_search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word):
   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      file_contents =

      pattern = re.compile(re.escape(search_word), re.IGNORECASE)
      updated_contents = pattern.sub(replace_word, file_contents)

   with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

# Example usage
file_path = 'example.txt'
search_word = 'old'
replace_word = 'new'
case_insensitive_search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word)

Regular Expression Search and Replace

Regular expressions offer a robust and flexible way to search and replace text in a file. We can use patterns to match complex text patterns and perform sophisticated replacements. Let's see an example of using regular expressions for search and replace −


  • In this code, we define a function regex_search_and_replace that takes the file path, search pattern, and replace pattern as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function and read its contents into the file_contents variable.

  • We use the re.sub() function to perform the search and replace operation using the specified search pattern and replace pattern.

  • The search pattern r'\b(\d+)\b' is a regular expression that matches one or more digits surrounded by word boundaries. The parentheses capture the digits as a group, which can be referenced in the replace pattern as \1.

  • The replace pattern r'[\1]' uses square brackets to surround the captured digits, effectively replacing them with square brackets.

  • Finally, we open the file again in write mode ('w') and write the updated contents back to the file, effectively performing the regular expression-based search and replace operation.

import re

def regex_search_and_replace(file_path, search_pattern, replace_pattern):
   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      file_contents =

      updated_contents = re.sub(search_pattern, replace_pattern, file_contents)

   with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

# Example usage
file_path = 'example.txt'
search_pattern = r'\b(\d+)\b'
replace_pattern = r'[\1]'
regex_search_and_replace(file_path, search_pattern, replace_pattern)

Search and Replace with File Backup

When performing search and replace operations, it is always advisable to create a backup of the original file before making any changes. This makes sure that the original content is preserved in case the replacement process encounters any issues. Let's see how to create a backup and then perform the search and replace operation −


  • At first, we define a function search_and_replace_with_backup that takes the file path, search word, and replace word as arguments. We create a backup file by appending '.bak' to the original file name and use shutil.copyfile() to create a duplicate of the original file with the backup path.

  • We then proceed with the search and replace operation as shown in the first example.

import shutil

def search_and_replace_with_backup(file_path, search_word, replace_word):
   backup_path = file_path + '.bak'
   shutil.copyfile(file_path, backup_path)

   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      file_contents =

      updated_contents = file_contents.replace(search_word, replace_word)

   with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

# Example usage
file_path = 'example.txt'
search_word = 'old'
replace_word = 'new'
search_and_replace_with_backup(file_path, search_word, replace_word)

Search and Replace with Context Preservation

Sometimes, we may need to preserve the context around the search term when performing the replacement. For instance, we may want to replace the word "old" with "new" while keeping the original capitalization. Let's see how to achieve this −


  • In this instance, we define a function 'preserve_context_search_and_replace' that takes the file path, search word, and replace word as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the 'open()' function and read its contents into the 'file_contents' variable.

  • We create a regular expression pattern using the 're.compile()' function, specifying the search word as the pattern and using the 're.IGNORECASE' flag to make the search case-insensitive.

  • We then use the 'sub()' method of the pattern and a lambda function to perform the search and replace operation while preserving the original capitalization. The lambda function takes the matched text as input, performs the replacement using the 'replace()' method, and returns the updated text.

  • Finally, we open the file again in write mode ('w') and write the updated contents back to the file, effectively performing the search and replace operation while preserving the context.

import re

def preserve_context_search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word):
   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      file_contents =

      pattern = re.compile(rf'\b{re.escape(search_word)}\b', re.IGNORECASE)
      updated_contents = pattern.sub(lambda match:, replace_word), file_contents)

   with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

#Example usage

file_path = 'example.txt'
search_word = 'old'
replace_word = 'new'
preserve_context_search_and_replace(file_path, search_word, replace_word)

To summarize, in this article, we went on to explore various techniques to search and replace text in a file using Python. We started with a basic text replacement method and eventually moved to more advanced approaches, including case-insensitive replacements, regular expression-based replacements, backups, and context preservation. Each method offers unique advantages and can be applied to different scenarios based on specific requirements.

File manipulation is a potent skill for any Python developer, and the ability to search and replace text is an essential aspect of file handling. By mastering these techniques, you can efficiently process and manage data in various file formats, making your Python projects more robust and flexible.

It must be noted that file operations are handled with care, especially when modifying data, and consider creating backups to avoid data loss. Regular expressions provide immense flexibility, but they can also be complex; hence, understanding the patterns you use is crucial to ensure accurate replacements.

As you delve further into Python and file handling, you will discover additional possibilities and optimizations for text processing and manipulation. Adopt the power of Python and its versatile file-handling capabilities to enhance your projects and streamline data processing tasks.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023

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