How to open a file in append mode with Python?

File handling in Python, among others, involves the task of opening a file in append mode which has its own importance in that scheme of things. Append mode makes it possible for you to add new content to a file without deleting or overwriting the existing data. Here, in this article, we will explore several different ways how you can open a file in append mode using Python; we make provision for some code examples with easy-to-follow detailed stepwise explanations.

Opening a File in Append Mode for Text Writing

In order to open a file in append mode for writing text, you can follow these steps:

  • Step 1: You make use of the open() function to open the file in append mode. You give the file path as the first argument and use the mode 'a' to indicate append mode.

  • Step 2: You then assign the returned file object to a variable for further operations, such as writing or reading.


# Open the file in append mode for text writing
file = open('myfile.txt', 'a')

# Perform operations on the file (e.g., write or read)

# Close the file

Opening a File in Append Mode for Binary Writing

In order that you can open a file in append mode for writing binary data, you can follow similar steps:

  • Step 1: You make use of the open() function to open the file in append mode. You give the file path as the first argument and use the mode 'ab' to indicate append mode for binary writing.

  • Step 2: You then assign the returned file object to a variable for further operations, such as writing or reading binary data.


Let us suppose you have a binary file myfile.bin. You can carry out or execute following operations on that file as follows.

# Open the file in append mode for binary writing
file = open('myfile.bin', 'ab')

# Perform operations on the file (e.g., write or read binary data)

# Close the file

Opening a File in Append Mode with Context Managers

It is important to note that Python also provides an efficient way to work with files using context managers. Context managers have this functionality that they automatically handle file closing, even if an exception occurs. Here is the way how you can open a file in append mode using a context manager:

  • Step 1: You make use of the 'with' statement and the open() function to open the file in append mode.

  • Step 2: You then assign the returned file object to a variable within the with block.


# Open the file in append mode using a context manager
with open('myfile.txt', 'a') as file:
    # Perform operations on the file (e.g., write or read)

# The file is automatically closed outside the context manager

Opening a File in Append Mode to Read Existing Content

In order that a file to be opened in append mode to read the existing content, you can follow these steps:

  • Step 1: You use the open() function to open the file in append mode. You give the file path as the first argument and use the mode 'a+' to indicate append mode for both reading and writing.

  • Step 2: You assign the returned file object to a variable for further operations, such as reading the existing content.


Suppose we have a text file as shown below

This is a test file

# Open the file in append mode for reading and writing

file = open('myfile.txt', 'a+')

# Read the existing content from the file
content =
# Perform operations with the existing content

print("Existing content:", content)

# Close the file

When we run the above code we get the following output when the myfile.txt is opened and existing content is read.


This is a test file

Opening a File in Append Mode and Appending New Lines

If you want to open a file in append mode and add or append new lines to it, you can use the following steps:

  • Step 1: You use the open() function to open the file in append mode. You give the file path as the first argument and use the mode 'a' to indicate append mode.

  • Step 2: You make use of the write() method to add new lines to the file. Each line should be added separately using multiple write() statements.

  • Step 3: Finally, you can close the file without fail to make sure proper handling of system resources takes place.


Suppose we have a text file as follows.

This is a test file

# Open the file in append mode
file = open('myfile.txt', 'a')

# Append new lines to the file
file.write("Line 4\n")
file.write("Line 5\n")
file.write("Line 6\n")

# Close the file

When we run the above code we get the following output when the myfile.txt is opened.


This is a test file
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6

The routing task or operation of opening a file in append mode makes it possible for you to add new content to a file without overwriting the existing data. In this article, we have covered some examples with detailed explanations, that gave a demonstration of how to open a file in append mode for text writing, binary writing, and how to use a context manager for file handling. We also made available two additional examples that again showcased opening a file in append mode to read existing content and appending new lines to a file. By following the stepwise and easy-to-follow explanations and code examples, you can certainly gain a solid understanding of how to open files in append mode using Python. It should be kept in mind to close the file after your operations are done to maintain proper resource management.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023

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