How to check if a given directory contains any other directory in Python?

When dealing with and handling file systems and directory structures in Python, it's important to find if a given directory contains any other directories. This data becomes invaluable in various situations, such as organizing files, managing hierarchical data, or implementing conditional logic based on the presence of subdirectories. Python has provision for several methods and techniques to efficiently check for the existence of directories within a given directory.

In this informative article, we will explore different methods to check if a given directory contains any other directories in Python. We will also provide step−by−step explanations and code examples to help you through the process. Whether you prefer using the "os" module, the "pathlib" module, or a combination of both, this article will surely equip you with the tools to navigate and analyze directory structures effectively.

Let's start out on this process of directory exploration with Python and uncover the secrets of checking for subdirectories!

Using os.listdir() to Find Subdirectories

The "os.listdir()" function allows us to obtain a list of items (files and directories) within a given directory. By iterating through this list and checking each item's type, we can identify if any of the items are directories.


  • In the code below, we import the "os" module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system, including directory operations.

  • The "contains_subdirectory_with_os_listdir()" function takes the "directory" as input and checks if it contains any subdirectories using "os.listdir()".

  • We use "os.listdir(directory)" to obtain a list of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • For each item, we construct its full path with "os.path.join(directory, item)".

  • If the item is a directory, we immediately return "True" to indicate that the directory contains at least one subdirectory.

  • If no subdirectory is found after iterating through all items, we return "False".

import os

def contains_subdirectory_with_os_listdir(directory):
    for item in os.listdir(directory):
        item_path = os.path.join(directory, item)
        if os.path.isdir(item_path):
            return True
    return False
#Example usage
directory = '/content/foo'

For a certain directory containing a subdirectory, the following was the output



Utilizing os.walk() for Recursive Search

The "os.walk()" function, as demonstrated earlier, is a powerful tool for traversing directory trees. We can leverage its recursive nature to efficiently check if a given directory contains any subdirectories.


  • The "contains_subdirectory_with_os_walk()" function takes the "directory" as input and uses "os.walk()" to check if the directory contains any subdirectories.

  • During the iteration, "os.walk()" returns three values: the root path, a list of directories in the current directory, and a list of files in the current directory.

  • We check if the "directories" list (obtained from "os.walk()") is not empty. If it contains any items (subdirectories), we immediately return "True".

  • If the iteration completes without finding any subdirectories, we return "False".

import os

def contains_subdirectory_with_os_walk(directory):
    for root, directories, files in os.walk(directory):
        if directories:
            return True
    return False
#Example usage
directory = '/content/foo'

For a certain directory containing a subdirectory, the following was the output



Utilizing pathlib.Path for Directory Search

The "pathlib" module provides a more modern and convenient way to handle file paths. We can use the "iterdir()" method to efficiently check if a given directory contains any subdirectories.


  • In this example, we import the "Path" class from the "pathlib" module, which represents a file system path.

  • The "contains_subdirectory_with_pathlib()" function takes the "directory" as input and uses "Path.iterdir()" to check if it contains any subdirectories.

  • We create a "Path" object with "Path(directory)", where "directory" is the input directory.

  • We use "path_object.iterdir()" to obtain an iterator of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • For each item, we check if it is a directory using "item.is_dir()".

  • If the iterator finds any subdirectory, we immediately return "True". Otherwise, we return "False".

from pathlib import Path

def contains_subdirectory_with_pathlib(directory):
    path_object = Path(directory)
    for item in path_object.iterdir():
        if item.is_dir():
            return True
    return False
#Example usage
directory = '/content/foo'

For a certain directory containing a subdirectory, the following was the output



Checking for Nested Subdirectories

In some cases, you may need to check not only if the given directory contains immediate subdirectories but also if it contains any nested subdirectories. We can achieve this by using recursion along with the "os.listdir()" method.


  • The "contains_nested_subdirectory_with_recursion()" function allows us to check if a given directory contains any nested subdirectories using recursion.

  • The function takes the "directory" as input and checks if it contains any subdirectories.

  • We use "os.listdir(directory)" to obtain a list of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • For each item, we construct its full path with "os.path.join(directory, item)".

  • If the item is a directory, we call the "contains_nested_subdirectory_with_recursion()" function recursively with the subdirectory path.

  • The recursive call will continue to check for subdirectories in nested levels until a subdirectory is found, or the directory tree is exhausted.

  • If any nested subdirectory is found, the function returns "True". Otherwise, it returns "False".

import os
def contains_nested_subdirectory_with_recursion(directory):
    for item in os.listdir(directory):
        item_path = os.path.join(directory, item)
        if os.path.isdir(item_path):
            if contains_nested_subdirectory_with_recursion(item_path):
                return True
    return False
#Example usage
directory = '/content/foo'

For a certain directory containing a subdirectory, the following was the output



Using os.scandir() for Enhanced Performance

In scenarios where performance is critical, we can use the "os.scandir()" function for faster directory scanning. This function provides more information about each item in the directory, resulting in improved performance.


  • In the code below, we use the "os.scandir()" function to check if a given directory contains any subdirectories.

  • The "contains_subdirectory_with_os_scandir()" function takes the "directory" as input and uses "os.scandir()" to scan the directory efficiently.

  • The "os.scandir()" function returns an iterator of "DirEntry" objects, which provide more information about each item in the directory.

  • We use a "with" statement to ensure that the directory scan is properly closed after its use.

  • For each "DirEntry" object, we check if it represents a directory using "entry.is_dir()".

  • If a subdirectory is found, we immediately return "True". Otherwise, we return "False".

import os

def contains_subdirectory_with_os_scandir(directory):
    with os.scandir(directory) as entries:
        for entry in entries:
            if entry.is_dir():
                return True
    return False
#Example usage

directory = '/content/foo'

For a certain directory containing a subdirectory, the following was the output



In this comprehensive article, we've seen that we have explored various methods to check if a given directory contains any other directories in Python. Whether you prefer using the traditional "os" module or the more modern "pathlib" module, Python makes available flexible and efficient ways to navigate directory structures and identify subdirectories. By mastering these methods, you can enhance your file−handling capabilities, build powerful directory−related functionalities, and streamline your programming workflow. Whether you're organizing files, performing data analysis, or managing hierarchical data, the ability to identify subdirectories in a directory will undoubtedly elevate your Python programming skills.

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023

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