How to check if a file is a directory or a regular file in Python?

When working with files and directories in Python, it's a crucial point to distinguish between regular files and directories. Knowing the type of each file is most essential for implementing different file handling operations, such as reading, writing, or navigating through directory structures. Python makes available several methods and techniques to determine if a given path points to a directory or a regular file. By utilizing the "os" module, the "pathlib" module, or other specialized functions, you can easily differentiate between these two types and perform the necessary operations accordingly.

In this exhaustive article, we will explore different methods to check if a file is a directory or a regular file in Python. We will provide step−by−step explanations and code examples to guide you through the process. Whether you prefer using the "os" module's functions, the "pathlib" module's methods, or specialized third−party libraries, this guide will equip you with the tools to effectively identify file types and enhance your file handling capabilities.

Let's set out on this journey of file exploration with Python and uncover the secrets of differentiating between directories and regular files!

Using os.path.isdir() and os.path.isfile()

The "os.path" module provides functions to work with file paths and determine various properties of files and directories. We can use "os.path.isdir()" and "os.path.isfile()" to check if a given path points to a directory or a regular file, respectively.


  • In the code below, we import the "os" module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system, including file and directory operations.

  • The "check_file_type_with_os_path()" function takes the "directory_or_file" as input and returns a string indicating whether it is a directory or a regular file using "os.path.isdir()" and "os.path.isfile()".

  • We use "os.path.isdir(directory_or_file)" to check if the provided path points to a directory. If it does, the function returns "Directory".

  • If the path is not a directory, we use "os.path.isfile(directory_or_file)" to check if it points to a regular file. If it does, the function returns "Regular File".

  • If the path is neither a directory nor a regular file, the function returns "Unknown".

import os

def check_file_type_with_os_path(directory_or_file):
    if os.path.isdir(directory_or_file):
        return "Directory"
    elif os.path.isfile(directory_or_file):
        return "Regular File"
        return "Unknown"

Utilizing pathlib.Path.is_dir() and pathlib.Path.is_file()

The "pathlib" module provides a more modern and object-oriented way to handle file paths. We can use "pathlib.Path.is_dir()" and "pathlib.Path.is_file()" to perform the same check as in the previous example.


  • In this example, we import the "Path" class from the "pathlib" module, which represents a file system path.

  • The "check_file_type_with_pathlib()" function takes the "directory_or_file" as input and returns a string indicating whether it is a directory or a regular file using "Path.is_dir()" and "Path.is_file()".

  • We create a "Path" object with "Path(directory_or_file)", where "directory_or_file" is the input path.

  • We use "path_object.is_dir()" to check if the path points to a directory. If it does, the function returns "Directory".

  • If the path is not a directory, we use "path_object.is_file()" to check if it points to a regular file. If it does, the function returns "Regular File".

  • If the path is neither a directory nor a regular file, the function returns "Unknown".

from pathlib import Path

def check_file_type_with_pathlib(directory_or_file):
    path_object = Path(directory_or_file)
    if path_object.is_dir():
        return "Directory"
    elif path_object.is_file():
        return "Regular File"
        return "Unknown"

Using os.path.exists() for Existence Check

Before using "os.path.isdir()" or "os.path.isfile()" to determine the file type, you may want to check if the path exists to avoid raising exceptions. You can use "os.path.exists()" for this purpose.


  • The "check_file_type_with_os_path_exists()" function allows us to check if the provided path exists and determine whether it is a directory or a regular file using "os.path.exists()", "os.path.isdir()", and "os.path.isfile()".

  • The function takes the "directory_or_file" as input and returns a string indicating the file type ("Directory" or "Regular File") if the path exists.

  • We use "os.path.exists(directory_or_file)" to check if the path exists. If it does, we continue to check its type.

  • If the path is a directory, the function returns "Directory".

  • If the path is not a directory, we check if it is a regular file using "os.path.isfile(directory_or_file)". If it is, the function returns "Regular File".

  • If the path does not exist or is neither a directory nor a regular file, the function returns "Unknown".

import os

def check_file_type_with_os_path_exists(directory_or_file):
    if os.path.exists(directory_or_file):
        if os.path.isdir(directory_or_file):
            return "Directory"
        elif os.path.isfile(directory_or_file):
            return "Regular File"
    return "Unknown"

Using os.scandir() with is_dir() and is_file()

The "os.scandir()" function is a more efficient alternative to "os.listdir()" for getting directory contents. We can use "os.scandir()" along with "is_dir()" and "is_file()" to perform the file type check.


  • In this example, we use the "os.scandir()" function along with "is_dir()" and "is_file()" to efficiently check the file type.

  • The "check_file_type_with_os_scandir()" function takes the "directory_or_file" as input and returns a string indicating whether it is a directory or a regular file.

  • The "with" statement is used to ensure proper resource cleanup after the block's execution.

  • We use "os.scandir(directory_or_file)" to obtain an iterator of entries (files and directories) in the specified path.

  • We iterate through the entries, and for each entry, we use "entry.is_dir()" to check if it represents a directory. If it does, the function returns "Directory".

  • If the entry is not a directory, we use "entry.is_file()" to check if it represents a regular file. If it does, the function returns "Regular File".

  • If the iterator completes without finding a directory or a regular file, the function returns "Unknown".

import os
def check_file_type_with_os_scandir(directory_or_file):
    with os.scandir(directory_or_file) as entries:
        for entry in entries:
            if entry.is_dir():
                return "Directory"
            elif entry.is_file():
                return "Regular File"
    return "Unknown"

Utilizing os.path.getsize() for Size−Based Check

In some scenarios, you may need to further differentiate between regular files based on their size. You can use "os.path.getsize()" to check if a file is a directory, an empty file, or a regular file with content.


  • The "check_file_type_with_os_path_getsize()" function allows us to use "os.path.getsize()" to perform size−based differentiation between regular files.

  • The function takes the "directory_or_file" as input and returns a string indicating whether it is a directory, an empty file, or a regular file.

  • We use "os.path.isdir(directory_or_file)" to check if the path represents a directory. If it does, the function returns "Directory".

  • If the path is not a directory, we use "os.path.getsize(directory_or_file)" to obtain the size of the file.

  • If the file's size is 0, the function returns "Empty File", indicating that it is a regular file but has no content.

  • If the file has content (i.e., its size is greater than 0), the function returns "Regular File".

import os

def check_file_type_with_os_path_getsize(directory_or_file):
    if os.path.isdir(directory_or_file):
        return "Directory"
    elif os.path.getsize(directory_or_file) == 0:
        return "Empty File"
        return "Regular File"

In this comprehensive article, we have explored various methods to check if a file is a directory or a regular file in Python. We covered both the traditional "os" module and the more modern "pathlib" module, offering multiple options for achieving the same result. Additionally, we demonstrated how to use "os.path.exists()" for existence checks and "os.path.getsize()" for size−based differentiation between regular files.

By now, you should have a thorough understanding of how to differentiate between directories and regular files in Python and be well−equipped to apply these techniques in your file handling tasks. Whether you're working with large−scale file systems, organizing data, or implementing conditional logic, this knowledge is essential for efficient and accurate file management.

You must choose the approach that best suits your project's requirements, considering factors such as performance, readability, and the specific file handling operations you need to perform. With this newfound knowhow, you can confidently navigate the world of file systems in Python and unleash the full potential of your file handling endeavors.

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023


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