6 rules to invest in Crypto

Crypto investors have reaped good benefits over the last few years. Unmoved by the industry's fluctuations. Investors continue to be dedicated to the long-term possibilities of building a fortune in cryptocurrencies. One of the urgent problems that all investors are wrestling with is how the crypto business is projected to act in the times to come. The market is practically impossible to time the markets.

However, there are some things to keep in mind before investing.

Rules to keep in mind before investing in crypto

1. Diversify and invest rationally

When you hear that Bitcoin may soar and reach one million dollars, the greed instinct in you roars. What's the real worry? You may end up overinvesting in your greed and end up losing everything. If you diversify and invest rationally, then you stand to gain. Only invest money you can bear losing, and understand your risk-taking capacity. In this case, you will not suffer financial disaster if the industry sinks.

Diversify your crypto investments to make them safer. Most specialists recommend investing only a small percentage in cryptocurrency. The remainder should be invested in a safer asset class. It depends on your appetite for risk, research and financial status. If you are young and have time in your favor, you can be more aggressive with your investments.

2. Research and keep a longer time horizon.

Always study and research well before buying into any form of cryptocurrency. Understanding the nature of the industry you invest in is essential and basic. Although research does not achieve results, it gives you a better understanding of the risks that come along with your investment bet.

One approach for surviving crypto market uncertainty is investing with a longer time horizon. Trying to catch the top or the bottom of the is difficult. People lose money trying to do so. Instead, search for initiatives with excellent management and utilities that have the potential to outperform in the coming years.

It's not always simple to look long-term. The markets and their games of fear and greed trick even the sane. However, it is a strategy that will assist in sustaining the sudden and steep falls and help avoid emotional decisions.

3. Use safer means of storage.

Aside from investment, one key aspect of the crypto market is storage. It is pretty rare for investors to lose access to their exchange accounts. Or, in the worst-case scenario, to lose their cash due to a security breach. So storing your crypto assets is critical.

Serious investors should consider a hardware wallet. These are wallets with enhanced security features. Investors must not store their bitcoins on exchanges or computer wallets.

4. Check Financial security.

Cryptocurrency is a topsy-turvy market. You must be financially stable and secure before making sizeable crypto investments. It means understanding and evaluating your financial conditions. It involves maintaining an emergency reserve of up to six months. If you're trying to pay off debt, you should prioritize this first and then invest—no need to rush and invest.

If you face an unforeseen event, an emergency fund will help you meet it without taking out a loan or selling assets at a disadvantage. Assume you spend $5,000 on Bitcoin rather than depositing it into an emergency fund last Thanksgiving. Today, it might be valued as low as $1000. It may recover in the coming times, but if you were forced to sell today, it wouldn't help. What if you were laid off this week or went through a medical emergency while your financial savior (money)was in cryptocurrency and not in your bank?

5. Keep it simple.

Above all, investing in the cryptocurrency market requires good judgement. You have to make sure you don't overcomplicate things. Getting caught up in the euphoria around a brand-new initiative is easy. But this almost always results in losses. Getting swept away in greed and investing in a hyped-up token is very common. People get carried away quickly due to pressures and influence from various mediums.

It would be best if you diversified and did not overdo it on any front. Several initiatives are working on several critical challenges that can make it big in the future. It is not assured, but you may allocate your funds across different initiatives the same way as you would in any other asset class.

6. Go for the big guys and dollar cost averaging.

To thoroughly research and understand that multi-layered crypto markets aren't for everyone. For such people, it could be best to stick to the key giants of the game. The big guns have faced the extremes of ups and downs and still stand tall. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the finest examples of these assets, having undergone several downturns.

There are numerous more, but it becomes difficult to predict if those assets with such huge market caps will persist in the times to come. It also applies to Bitcoin and Ethereum, although the primary thought is that these two have already shown to be dependable.

The theory of dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is relevant to the cryptocurrency market. DCA is a tool to counter fluctuations in the market. Volatility is a key market feature. Therefore, you may reduce losses and optimize your wealth by investing little portions over time.

By employing this strategy, you will pay higher network rates, but the benefits that you stand to gain will help you cope with this. Suppose you are highly optimistic about the market's direction. In that case, you might set some additional funds for when the market appears to be at a low and use such dips. You can also invest in tranches in weeks or months.


There are ways to ensure that your investment is safer and lesser prone to losses.

Many people felt compelled to invest in cryptocurrency in the last few years. Nobody wanted to miss the chance to grab onto the next big thing. If you're thinking about buying cryptocurrency, you should first secure your cash and understand the sector. If you stay put and stand the test of time, you will surely make good money. Happy investing! There is no need to be too greedy about investing. Apply the fundamentals of investing and deploy simple logic.

Updated on: 12-Dec-2022


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