How can one invest in cryptocurrency?


Isn't "cryptocurrency" a mysterious concept? Many people are unfamiliar with the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies, let alone how it works as an investment. The value of bitcoin has risen well above many investors' expectations over the last decade. We will illuminate this notion.

The popularity of cryptocurrencies is skyrocketing. While they used to appeal to a relatively specific group of people only a few years ago, now everyone and their granny wants to learn how to invest. You're bound to come across a news piece on the latest Bitcoin price or stumble across financial advice on social media. If you believe cryptocurrency suits you, this beginner's guide will educate you on investing in it and how it works.

What Exactly Is Cryptocurrency?

In principle, bitcoin is virtual money that is stored and distributed through the internet. It is a digital asset that may gain or lose value as equities and bonds do. A physical currency is made up of paper notes and metal coins, whereas a cryptocurrency is made up of a virtual "coin," "token," or "unit." You may buy a coin/token/unit from any firm that enables cryptocurrency exchanges. You can trade, buy, or sell with other cryptocurrency owners, just like stock trading in corporate America.

Investing in Cryptocurrency

Before we go into how to invest in cryptocurrencies, it's crucial to recognize that there are good and bad reasons to do so. Remember that for every person who made an overnight fortune trading Bitcoin, someone lost their whole life savings, so if you're not ready or able to stomach high-risk and very volatile investments with the potential for big profits and losses, cryptocurrency investing may not be for you.

However, if you're genuinely interested in the idea of cryptocurrencies forever altering the way we deal with money, and you're eager to learn and capable of managing the risk, then continue reading.

What Are the Prerequisites for Investing in Cryptocurrency?

While cryptocurrencies may seem intimidating to new investors, the criteria to get started are modest. You need the following to understand how to invest in cryptocurrency −

  • Documents of personal identity
  • Bank account details
  • Secure internet access

That's all! It is also feasible to buy cryptocurrencies through a stockbroker. In this instance, most of your personal and financial information will already be on file. Now that you have all you need let's get started investing.

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency?

If you've chosen to take a chance on cryptocurrencies, you might wonder, "How can I invest in cryptocurrency?"

Every cryptocurrency is different, but assuming you want to buy for a profit, follow these steps to begin investing in digital money like Bitcoin and Litecoin −

  • Select a cryptocurrency exchange.
  • Begin acquiring cryptocurrencies.
  • Keep your cryptocurrencies in a "wallet."

Good Reasons to Invest in Bitcoin

  • You feel that cryptocurrencies are the way of the future and will most likely replace traditional fiat money; if this occurs, you want to be well-informed, prepared, and experienced.

  • You agree with the societal goal underlying cryptocurrencies, which is that currency should be decentralized and fully controlled by the people who use it.

  • You understand and value blockchain technology; you value the peer-to-peer element of transactions, as well as its security and secrecy.

Selecting a Cryptocurrency Exchange

start, pick an exchange to buy from, much as you would pick a stockbroker. After deciding on which exchange to begin investing in bitcoin, you can open an account with them. There are several alternatives available to you; however, the most common cryptocurrency exchanges are −

  • Coinbase
  • Binance
  • Kraken
  • Gemini
  • GDAx
  • Bitfinex

Purchase of Cryptocurrency

You may use a debit card to purchase cryptocurrencies on these exchanges. You may pick between several cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. A single coin might be worth hundreds of dollars. Most exchanges, however, enable you to purchase a fraction of a coin, which is significantly more reasonable for first-time investors. An exchange, like a stockbroker, will collect fees for each transaction you make.

Keeping Cryptocurrency in a "Wallet."

  • When you buy a unit of cryptocurrency, it is added to your "wallet." Of course, not your physical wallet but a virtual wallet that you will receive when you establish an account with an exchange. The wallet will store all of your bitcoin codes.

  • Software wallets and hardware wallets are two different kinds of wallets. A software wallet is simply an application that stores your cryptocurrency. It is required for active trading and is usually provided when you create an account with an exchange.

  • A hardware wallet is a physical bitcoin storage device. It looks like a USB drive and is more secure than a software wallet, but it isn't essential unless you purchase a large amount of cryptocurrency.

How to Decide Which Cryptocurrency to Invest in?

Jumping on any bandwagon just because someone said it was a good investment is much too easy. You should, however, perform your investigation. When purchasing bitcoin, keep in mind that it has no intrinsic worth. It instead denotes ownership of a digital item. The public opinion of its worth decides its price. Thus you must believe in the cryptocurrency you choose to invest in. How do you form these beliefs? By carrying out your study. Before making an investment choice, do your homework by reading white papers and determining which cryptocurrencies may gain value in the future.


Meanwhile, individuals who utilize cryptocurrencies (and those who are attracted by the potential of cryptocurrency) must be aware of the concept's practical constraints. Any claims that a certain cryptocurrency provides perfect anonymity or exemption from legal accountability, as well as claims that individual cryptocurrencies provide flawless investment possibilities or inflation hedges, should be treated with extreme skepticism. Finally, gold is frequently touted as the ultimate inflation hedge. However, it is still vulnerable to more volatility than many first-world fiat currencies.

Updated on: 27-Oct-2022


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