Theme Detection Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Theme Detection. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - IFTTT application has two functionalities; one is “this” button and another is “that” button. Through this application, we can glow a smart led bulb every time when there is one comment on your facebook status. The first part is done through “this” tab and later with “that” tab.

This means;

Options :

A - The “this” tab is for action which works on the triggering action of “that”

B - The “that” tab is for action which works on the triggering action of “this”

C - Both a and b

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Glowing led bulb is an action that is actuated by the condition of comment on facebook status.

Q 2 - Our grandparents usually oppose us from using shampoo daily. They are also against the choice of not using oil daily. According to them, it will create more hair fall and gradually lead to the degradation of scalp skin. Though scientists are not denying this fact completely but are indirectly promoting the shampoo company’s products.

From the above passage we can infer that

Options :

A - Using shampoo daily and skipping oil massages is not good.

B - Skipping the oil daily is good.

C - Scientists are blindly supporting the shampoo companies for money.

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Close reading of the passage and options are sufficient to arrive at the correct answer.

Q 3 - Reservations should be there but not as in the present way. Now, people who belong to the general category are the worst sufferers in the job market. A SC category candidate who belongs to a rich family gets the unfair advantage of the caste reservation system over a poor candidate from the general category.

Through this passage, the exact suggestion that the author wants to convey is;

Options :

A - There should not be any reservation system.

B - Reservations should not be there for SC candidates

C - Reservations should be made on the basis of annual income not on the basis of caste.

D - Reservations quota should be increased for General category people.

Answer : C


The comparison of rich and poor says it all.

Q 4 - Online shopping trend has completely changed the face of shopping. Earlier people used to go to the market and visit 3-4 shops before buying any product to ensure that they are investing their money on correct items but now, with a click of button they can get a wide range of products showing their price with pictures.

Through this passage, one thing can be inferred that

Options :

A - Local vendors are going to close their businesses.

B - Online shopping has made shopping easier.

C - People should know the use of Internet to do online shopping.

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Nowhere in the passage it has been mentioned anything like the assumptions given in option A and option C.

Q 5 - Often people run after the money and higher increment without gaining adequate knowledge of the work they are handling. They should focus on their job first and later gain expertise over it. Money will follow your success. But in the act of balancing both, one should also not neglect his/her family due to which his/her existence is there in the present.

If we prioritize the job, money and family in descending order, it will be;

Options :

A - Job, money, family

B - Family, money, job

C - Job, family, money

D - Family, job, money

Answer : D


Option D best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 6 - If you are working really hard but do not believe that you can actually do it, then you are not going to achieve that task successfully. This is because when you believe, it is the wheel upon which the whole work runs over. A man without belief is no good than an aimless ship in the vast sea.

The statement that supports the passage is

Options :

A - Belief is the wheel upon which every work runs.

B - Never stop believing.

C - Working hard is more important than just to have strong belief.

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B that best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 7 - People are getting addicted to facebook and the major victims are college students. They find it amazing to spend a lot of time on facebook sharing their pictures and getting hundreds and thousands of likes on them. Just imagine how beautifully the time can be spent if facebook could be banned in educational institutes.

What can best be inferred about the view of the author from the above passage?

Options :

A - Facebook should not be banned in educational institutes.

B - Facebook should be banned in educational institutes.

C - Blocking Facebook in educational premises is not a promising thing.

D - None of these

Answer : B


Option B best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 8 - A Pre-planned engineering by some unknown terrorist organization group had stalled the world famous temple town of Bodh Gaya with a series of eight consecutive explosions that injured two monks severely.

What is the author trying to mention in the above paragraph.

Options :

A - Terrorist group attacks or targets crowded places.

B - There should be sufficient protection for monks.

C - Govt. should put atom bomb on these terrorist organizations.

D - Monks in Bodhgaya are good people.

Answer : A


Terrorist groups normally attack crowded places to aim more destruction. Hence, option A is correct.

Q 9 - Should our politicians, like Caesar’s wife, be above suspicion? Or should they be condemned even before they are heard and cast into political wilderness if they are convicted even by a lower court? Should they be presumed innocent till proven guilty, and till then left to strut around with all the trappings of power?

What is the writer’s state of mind while writing the passage?

Options :

A - Confident

B - Rigid

C - Puzzled

D - Pessimistic

Answer : C


The writer is puzzled as we can see from the para. Hence, the answer is option C.

Q 10 - Horoscope reading nowadays has become an essential part for a newborn child. There were instances where many times these predictions had went wrong and viceversa too.

Through this passage, writer is:

Options :

A - Optimistic about horoscope reading

B - Pessimistic about horoscope reading

C - Neutral about horoscope reading

D - None of the above

Answer : C


The use of the word vice-versa in the passage says that writer is neutral about it without jumping in to any particular conclusion.
