Arithmetical Reasoning Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Arithmetical Reasoning. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - There are two baskets containing oranges. The first basket of oranges has 1/5 excess to as many oranges in second basket. If second basket has 4 oranges less than first basket, then the number of oranges in the 1st basket is

Options :

A - 12

B - 16

C - 20

D - 22

Answer : A


Number of oranges in second basket = x, in first basket = x + x/5 = 5x/4 Hence, 5x/4 - x = 4X = 4. So option a is correct.

Q 2 - Ram’s father has bought 12 packets of candles each containing 10 candles and his brother has bought 8 packets of candles each containing 12 candles. 50 candles were put in a packet and Ram sells it in a market. How many candles he is left with?

Options :

A - 156

B - 166

C - 176

D - 170

Answer : B


He has initially 216 candles after selling 50 of them he is left with 216 – 50 = 166.

Q 3 - In between two file ends in the rack are six paper weights. If you decide to arrange the six paper weights in every possible combination and moved just one paper weight every minute, how long would it take to you?

Options :

A - 12

B - 16

C - 15

D - 9

Answer : A


Clearly, we can get the answer by taking the factorial.

= 6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720.

So total time taken = 720 minutes = 12 hours.

Q 4 - Before a 50 m race competition in my school, I noticed that my clock takes seven seconds to strike seven, then how long will it take to strike ten?

Options :

A - 21/2

B - 36/2

C - 17/2

D - 30/2

Answer : A


7 Strikes of clock = 6 intervals

10 Strikes of clock = 9 intervals.

Time = 7/6 × 9 = 21/2

Q 5 - In a cards game which hold regularly on roof top each night, Saroj holds 13 cards of four suits. Among them 6 hold cards are of red and 7 hold cards are of black colour. If it is found that there are double as many diamonds as spades and double as many hearts as diamonds. How many clubs does Saroj hold?

Options :

A - 12

B - 10

C - 6

D - 9

Answer : C


Saroj holds 6 number of clubs in the game.

Q 6 - 16 men and 20 boys can do a piece of work in 30 days. In how many days, 15 men and 15 boys will take to finish the work?

Options :

A - 174/9

B - 18

C - 40

D - 60

E - Other than the given options

Answer : A


16 men = 20 boys

1 man = 5/4 boys

15 men = 75/4 boys

Total no of boys = 75/4 + 15 = 135/4

20 boys = 30 days

135/4 boys = 30 × 20 × 4 /135 = 17 7/9 days

Q 7 - Piyush Goyal has Rs. 960 in the denominations 10 rupee notes, 5 rupee notes, 1 rupee notes. The number of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of notes that he has?

Options :

A - 45

B - 75

C - 90

D - 120

Answer : C


Let number of notes of each denomination be x.

Then x + 5x + 10 = 960.

16 x = 960 = x = 60.

Hence, total number of notes = 3x = 180.

Q 8 - Sri Uday Corporation is a woman centric corporation which adopts those women and girls who are helpless. If 5 women or 8 girls of that corp. can do a work in 84 days. In how many days can 10 women and 5 girls can do the same work?

Options :

A - 28

B - 35

C - 32

D - 14

Answer : C


5 women or 8 girls can do the work in 84 days.

1 woman can do the work in 5 × 84 = 420 days.

1 woman’s 1 day work = 1/420

1 girl can do the work in 8 × 84 = 672 days.

1 girl’s 1 day work = 1/672

Work done in one day by 10 woman and 5 girls would be

$10*\frac{1}{420}+5*\frac{1}{672} \: = \: \frac{1}{32}$

The total amount of time taken would be the reciprocal of the total work done = 32 days.

Q 9 - Five students in a tuition have done mathematics in an examination. Each has secured a different number. and the numbers are 54, 48, 90, 67, and 88. Find the average.

Options :

A - 66

B - 67.8

C - 69.4

D - 70

Answer : C


The average is = (54 + 48 + 90 + 67 + 88)/5 = 347/5 = 69.4.

Q 10 - In a bucket there are 45 fishes. This bucket is added into another bucket which already contained 87 fishes. If all the fishes are to be stored in 12 different small buckets then each small bucket will contain how many fishes?

Options :

A - 10

B - 11

C - 12

D - 13

Answer : B


Total no of fishes in big bucket is 45 + 87 = 132. 132/12 = 11. So each small bucket will contain 11 fishes.
