Ranking and Order Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Ranking and Order. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - In a queue, the rank of Sanjay is 10th from the front while the rank of Ajay is 25th from behind. Meera is present in the middle of the two. It is given that the total number of persons is 50. Then determine the rank of Meera from the front.

Options :

A - 17

B - 18

C - 19

D - 20

Answer : B


Let’s find the total number of persons present between Sanjay and Ajay = 50 - (10 + 25) = 15.

Meera lies in between these 15 persons. That means we can conclude that from Sanjay’s position, she will be at 8th and 18th from the front end.

Q 2 - While counting, Ajay found that his rank from the left hand side and right hand side are 4th and 12th respectively. Calculate the minimum number of boys that should be added to the line to make it 28.

Options :

A - 13

B - 14

C - 15

D - Data inadequate

Answer : A


Let’s 1st calculate the total number of boys.

It will be = (4 + 12) - 1 = 15

Now extra boys needed = 28 - 15 = 13

Q 3 - Out of 46 students, rank of Shiva is ranked as 12th. What will be his rank from below?

Options :

A - 34

B - 35

C - 36

D - 37

Answer : B


This can be simply calculated as = (total students - rank from top) + 1

So 46 – 12 + 1

= 34 + 1 = 35

Q 4 - Rank of Sujay is 14th from the top in a group of 25 students. Find his rank from top if 3 new students will be added to the bottom of the list.

Options :

A - 14

B - 11

C - 12

D - 13

Answer : A


There will be no change in the ranking list from the top, if we are adding students to the bottom of the list.

Q 5 - 101 numbers of different types of small trees are showcased in a row in an exhibition. Rose tree has been showcased exactly in the middle of the row. On the second day two trees from the left side and one tree from the right side was taken out. Find the new rank of the rose tree from the left hand side.

Options :

A - 47

B - 48

C - 49

D - 50

Answer : C


In a list of 101 trees, the middle tree will be ranked 51. Now as we are trying to find out the rank from the left hand side, hence; removal of the trees from the right hand side will not affect.

However; if we remove two trees from the left hand side, then the new rank of the rose tree will be (51 - 2) = 49 from the left.

Q 6 - In a line 40 boys are standing. Ratika got shifted to the 10 place right of Sambit and Mona got shifted 10 places left of Sambit. If the position of Sambit is 26 from the left and there were only 3 boys between Ratika and Sambit, who were shifting, find the position of Sambit in the row from right.

Options :

A - 15th from right

B - 10th from left

C - 15th from left

D - Data inadequate

Answer : D


Here to solve this problem some more data is required.

Q 7 - Total number of students in a class is 60 out of which 40 students have been selected for debate competition. The number of girls is half of those boys who qualified for debate competition. The rank of Hari from the top is 17th and there are 9 girls ahead of him in that rank. Calculate the number of boys present after Hari.

Options :

A - 32

B - 33

C - 34

D - 35

Answer : A


As the number of girls is half of boys, so out of 60 number of students the only possible combination of boys and girls can be in the number of 40 and 20 respectively.

Now 9 girls are present ahead of Hari means that the total number of boys till 17th rank is 8(including Hari). So, the rest number of boys present after Hari are;

40 - 8 = 32

Q 8 - The rank of Soumya in a group of students is 11th from top and 15th from below. What would be his rank from below, if he will be placed in 21st place from the top?

Options :

A - 5

B - 6

C - 7

D - 8

Answer : A


In the first case, the total number of students will be

= 11 + 15 - 1 = 25

Among 25 numbers of students, if Soumya will be placed in 21st position from top, the rank from below will be

25 - 21 + 1

= 5

Q 9 - If you are standing in a queue and found out that your rank is 6th from the front, 25th from the back and your father enquired about the total number of persons standing in the queue over the phone, what will be your answer?

Options :

A - 17

B - 18

C - 19

D - None of these

Answer : D


You can answer your father like this,

Total number of persons in the queue

= your rank from the front + your rank from the end - 1

= 6 + 25 - 1

= 30

Q 10 - 101 small tress of different types are showcased in a row in an exhibition. Rose tree has been showcased exactly in the middle of the row. On the 2nd day, two trees from the left side and 1 tree from the right side was taken out. Find the new rank of the rose tree from the left hand side.

Options :

A - 47

B - 48

C - 49

D - 50

Answer : C


In a list of 101 trees, the middle tree will be having 51st rank, calculated from the either side of the row. Now as we are trying to find out the rank from the left hand side, hence; removal of the trees from the right hand side will not affect.

However; if we remove two trees from the left hand side, then the new rank of the rose tree will be (51 - 2) = 49.
