Statement and Conclusions Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Conclusions. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 1 - Statement: In the presence of all colleagues, the manager humiliated Rajesh.


I. The manager did not like Rajesh.

II. Rajesh is not famous among his colleagues.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : D


It is not for sure that the manager humiliated Rajesh just because he did not like him. This may be due to some negligence in work and there is also not any statement regarding the popularity of Rajesh among his colleagues. So, clearly both the conclusions are not valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 2 - Statement: All political prisoners were released on bail except those who were inside due to involvement in Public Dharnas. Persons being accused of murder were not granted bail.


I. All the political prisoners are not murderers.

II. Some politicians were not inside jail.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


It is clearly mentioned in the statement that persons accused of murder were not released from jail. But some political persons had been granted bail. That means, no political person had committed murder. Hence conclusion I is valid. On the other hand, conclusion II has no direct link with the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 3 - Statement: To ignite the passion of reading among the students, the university has made it compulsory for each students to read two books from the library and to submit a weekly report on it.


I. Forcefully interest for reading can be created.

II. By gradual workout eventually some students can develop interest in reading.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : B


It is a general known thing that by force you cannot create interest about something in someone’s mind. Hence conclusion I is clearly not the answer. On the other hand, the university is implementing this rule means it knows that this type of situation does work. So second conclusion is valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 4 - Statement: Quality comes with a price. India is spending a lot for education.


I. Soon improvement in the quality of education in India will happen.

II. Only funding can improve the quality of education.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


According to the given statement, to get quality education, one needs to spend much and India is spending much for quality education. Therefore, it is for sure that the quality of education is going to improve in near future. Hence conclusion I is valid. Conclusion II however, is irrelevant.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 5 - Statement: India lost in semi-final to Australia shows that we lack tough mentality in playing abroad.


I. India lost more than 50% of matches playing abroad.

II. India defeated Australia in 2011 quarter final.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


In earlier times also India has lost the match while playing abroad. This adds weight to the given statement, While, conclusion II is irrelevant.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 6 - Statement: Our ministry recently merged the ministry of overseas Indian affairs with the ministry of external affairs.


I. It will avoid duplication of work by both ministers.

II. Government’s working efficiency will be improved.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


Both the conclusions are the immediate future result of the action taken in the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 7 - Statement: Cabinet minister Uma Bharati launched the ganga gram yojana in Uttar Pradesh.


I. Many villages situated along the bank of the river Ganga will be developed.

II. It will restrict people to pollute the holy river Ganga.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


Both the conclusions I and II are the best possible logical outcome of the action described in the given statement. Hence both the conclusion are valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 8 - Statement: Mumbai Police commissioner Ahmad Javed appointed as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.


I. Ahmad Javed has shown his capability as Police Commissioner.

II. As Saudi Arabia is a close friend of India, so an experienced person should be appointed as the ambassador.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


Both the conclusions have strong reasons to support the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 9 - Statement: National Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered the closure of Bhusan steel and strips limited.


I. Bhusan steel is not adhering to the laws of NGT.

II. Bhusan steel plant is running under the rules and regulations made by NGT.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


Of course the closure of the plant means the plant is not running under the rules and regulations made by NGT.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 10 - Statement: Government is planning to distribute bicycle to girls in rural areas.


I. This is a step to encourage girl child education.

II. This will attract more girls to join schools.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


Both the conclusions are the results of the action taken in the given statement.
