Why is Python so popular despite being so slow?

In this article, we will see the reasons Why is Python so popular despite being so slow.

Python is a high-level, object-oriented, dynamic, and multipurpose programming language i.e multi-paradigm language. Python's syntax, dynamic typing, and interpreted nature make it an excellent scripting language.

Why is Python so popular despite being so slow?

Several studies have found that Python is slower than other popular programming languages such as Java and C++. To improve code execution speed, many programmers replace Python's default runtime with a custom runtime. Some developers even alter existing Python code to improve the performance and speed of the application. However, according to usage statistics given on numerous websites, Python is currently more popular than PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, and Go. Despite its slowness, there are a variety of reasons why programmers prefer Python to alternative programming languages.

Now Let us see the reasons Why is Python so popular despite being so slow.

1. Short and Readable Application Code

Most programmers nowadays prioritize readability and code quality in order to easily maintain and upgrade software in the future. Python, in addition to being basic and easy to learn, allows programmers to convey concepts using short and understandable code. Python's syntactic rules make it even easier for newcomers to learn and utilize the programming language without putting in extra time and effort.

2. Multiple Popular Programming Paradigms

Python, like other programming languages, supports various popular programming paradigms, including object-oriented, functional, imperative, and procedural. Programmers can use programming styles to simplify and speed up the development of large and complicated applications. Python is also a general-purpose programming language with a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. As a result, developers can easily use Python to develop a wide range of software applications.

3. High-Level Programming Language

Python is a high-level programming language. Python, as a high-level programming language, allows programmers to develop programs in a flexible manner. When writing Python software, programmers must focus entirely on the activities to be performed or tasks to be completed. By handling numerous programming jobs, the programming language makes it easy for developers to achieve certain goals.

4. No Recompilation of Code

Python is both a high-level programming language and an interpreted language. Python code can be run immediately on any machine by programmers without the need for compilation. They can then make modifications to the code and immediately see the impact of those changes without having to recompile it. The feature allows developers to make modifications to an application during the development process without spending extra time.

5. Rapid Application Prototyping

Before developing code, developers must now design a software prototype in order to illustrate its features and functionalities to multiple stakeholders. With a basic and flexible programming language like Python, developers find it easy to construct application prototypes.

They can also just refactor the Python code to begin creating the application from its prototype. Simple and rapid application prototyping allows programmers to develop applications with out-of-the-box functionalities in a short period of time.

6. Strong Standard Library

In comparison to other programming languages, Python features a more robust and comprehensive standard library. It is also constructed with features that enable programmers to perform a variety of typical programming activities without having to write lengthy lines of code.

Individual Python libraries can be used by developers to rapidly and efficiently complete common tasks such as string operations, interacting with internet protocols, building web services, and managing operating system interfaces.

7. Variety of Frameworks and Tools

Python can also be extended by developers with a number of frameworks and development tools. Python, for example, is not created with web development features. However, programmers can use various frameworks to construct a range of web applications in Python, including Django, web2py, TurboGears, CubicWeb, and Reahl. Some developers even leverage frameworks like Kivy to create cross-platform mobile apps in Python. These frameworks enable Python to compete with other modern programming languages and to match emerging software development trends.

8. Building Complex Applications

Python, in addition to being a general-purpose programming language, supports key platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX. As a result, developers find it easier to execute Python-based GUI apps across many platforms. They may speed and simplify the creation of GUI apps even further by utilizing Python frameworks such as wxPython and PyGtk. At the same time, Python is commonly utilized by programmers to build scientific and numerical applications. Python frameworks such as Scipy, Pandas, and IPython can be used by developers to quickly and efficiently build a variety of scientific and numerical applications.

9. Test-Driven Development

Programmers are frequently required to design and test a software product within a specific deadline. As a result, many engineers use a test-driven development approach to code and test at the same time. Before building application code, programmers were forced to write tests using the test-driven development approach. They must also use the tests to check the application code's usage and compatibility with specified requirements. Unlike other programming languages, Python allows developers to easily implement test-driven development.

10. A Component of LAMP Stack

As previously stated, programmers can rapidly develop a wide range of web applications by utilizing robust Python frameworks such as Django, web2py, TurboGears, CubicWeb, and Reahl. Simultaneously, web developers can use Python as an interchangeable component of the LAMP Stack, along with the Linux operating system, Apache web server, and MySQL database. The open-source technologies' flexibility allows developers to develop and deploy web applications more efficiently.

11. Decrease Project Overheads

Many companies currently use open-source technologies, frameworks, and tools to create custom software applications without spending a fortune. Python is an open-source programming language that allows developers to significantly reduce software development costs. Python developers can also use a variety of open-source Python frameworks and development tools to develop, test, and deploy feature-rich applications while reducing development time and costs.

Overall, Python, like other programming languages, has a number of flaws. Python is now dominated by programming languages such as Java, C, C++, and C#. Many programmers, however, prefer Python to other programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, and Go. The developers are still looking for new ways to improve the performance and speed of Python-based software applications.


In this article, we discussed 11 aspects of Python that make it popular despite its slowness.

Updated on: 03-Nov-2022


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