Who called my DBus API in Linux system


DBus is a widely used message bus system that facilitates communication between different software applications on Linux operating systems. It is used for inter-process communication (IPC) and allows applications to communicate with each other, even if they are running in different contexts. However, it can be difficult to determine which application or process is calling a specific DBus API. In this article, we will explore different methods for identifying caller of a DBus API on Linux.

What is DBus?

DBus is a message bus system used for inter-process communication (IPC) in Linux systems. It is a low-level, asynchronous protocol that enables different software applications to communicate with each other. DBus is used by many applications on Linux, including GNOME and KDE desktop environments, as well as many other programs that need to communicate with each other.

DBus uses a client-server architecture, with DBus daemon acting as server and applications acting as clients. daemon maintains a list of available services and provides a way for clients to send messages to those services. DBus also supports message filtering, so that clients can receive only messages that they are interested in.

Why is it difficult to identify caller of a DBus API?

While DBus is a useful and widely used system, it can be difficult to determine which application or process is calling a specific DBus API. This is because DBus is designed to be asynchronous and non-blocking, which means that multiple clients can send messages to a service at same time. Additionally, messages can be forwarded by other applications, which can make it even more difficult to determine where original message came from.

There are several ways to identify caller of a DBus API, each with its advantages and disadvantages. We will explore some of these methods below.

Method 1: Using dbus-monitor

The dbus-monitor tool is a command-line utility that displays all messages being sent over DBus system. It can be used to identify which process or application is calling a specific DBus API. To use dbus-monitor, open a terminal window and type following command:

dbus-monitor --session "interface='org.freedesktop.DBus',member='NameOwnerChanged'"

This command will display all messages sent over DBus session bus, with a filter that only shows messages related to org.freedesktop.DBus interface and NameOwnerChanged member. This member is called whenever an application claims or releases a DBus name, which can be used to identify caller of a specific DBus API.

For example, if an application is calling org.gnome.SettingsDaemon interface to change a setting, you can use dbus-monitor to identify caller by running following command:

dbus-monitor --session "interface='org.freedesktop.DBus',member='NameOwnerChanged'" | grep org.gnome.SettingsDaemon

This command will display all messages sent over DBus system that are related to org.gnome.SettingsDaemon interface. NameOwnerChanged member will tell you when an application has claimed or released this interface, which can help you identify caller of API.

Method 2: Using D-Feet

D-Feet is a graphical tool that allows you to browse and interact with DBus system. It can be used to identify caller of a DBus API by inspecting messages being sent and received by different applications.

To use D-Feet, open a terminal window and type following command −

sudo apt-get install d-feet

This command will install D-Feet tool on your Linux system. Once it is installed, you can launch it from Applications menu or by typing following command in a terminal window:


D-Feet provides a graphical interface that allows you to browse DBus system and see available services and their interfaces. You can also inspect messages being sent and received by different applications, which can help you identify caller of a specific DBus API.

To identify caller of a DBus API using D-Feet, follow these steps −

  • Launch D-Feet from Applications menu or by typing "d-feet" in a terminal window.

  • In D-Feet window, click on "Session Bus" tab to view available services.

  • Find service that you are interested in and expand it to view its interfaces.

  • Click on interface that you are interested in to view its methods.

  • Click on method that you are interested in to view messages being sent and received by different applications.

  • Inspect messages to see which application or process is calling method.

D-Feet can be a useful tool for identifying caller of a DBus API, especially if you prefer a graphical interface over a command-line tool like dbus-monitor.

Method 3: Using process monitoring tools

Another way to identify caller of a DBus API is to use process monitoring tools like top, htop, or ps. These tools allow you to view processes running on your Linux system and their resource usage.

To use these tools to identify caller of a DBus API, follow these steps −

  • Open a terminal window and type "top" to launch top utility.

  • Press "Shift + H" keys to display processes as a tree view.

  • Look for process that is using DBus system and expand it to view its child processes.

  • Look for child process that is making DBus API call.

  • Note name of application or process that is making call.

Alternatively, you can use htop or ps utilities to view running processes on your Linux system and their resource usage. These tools can be useful for identifying caller of a DBus API, especially if you prefer a command-line interface over a graphical tool like D-Feet.


Identifying caller of a DBus API can be challenging, but there are several methods that you can use to accomplish this task. dbus-monitor tool can be used to monitor messages being sent over DBus system, while D-Feet provides a graphical interface for browsing and inspecting DBus system. Process monitoring tools like top, htop, and ps can also be used to identify caller of a specific DBus API.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose one that best suits your needs. With these tools at your disposal, you can easily identify caller of a DBus API and troubleshoot any issues that may arise in your Linux system.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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