Which is the best book for learning python for absolute beginners?

In this article, we will suggest the best books for learning python for absolute beginners.

Python is an interpreted programming language that may be used for web development, machine learning, and complicated data analysis. Python is an ideal language for beginners because it is simple to learn and understand.

Python programming opportunities are expanding as the language's popularity grows. If you want to learn Python programming, books might be a wonderful resource. Books provide you the freedom to learn at your own speed.

The following are the top best books for learning python easily for beginners −

  • Python Crash Course(2nd Edition)
  • Head-First Python-A Brain-Friendly Guide (2nd Edition)
  • Learn Python the Hard Way(3rd Edition)
  • Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (3rd Edition)
  • Python Programming for the Absolute Beginners (3rd Edition)

Python Crash Course(2nd Edition)

'Python Crash Course' written by Eric Matthews is a fast-paced and comprehensive introduction to the Python language for beginners who want to learn Python programming and develop useful programs. The book's goal is to get you up to speed quickly and have you develop real programs in no time. This book is also useful for programmers who have a hazy understanding of Python and want to brush up on their skills before diving into hands-on Python programming.

As you progress through the book, you will learn about libraries and tools like Pygame, Matplotlib, Plotly, and Django, as well as how to deal with data to create interactive visualizations. You are also aware of the concept underlying 2D games, which is to design and deploy web apps. It's one of the best books to read.

It is one of the top Python learning books recommended by Python programmers.

This 544-page book is divided into two sections. The first section of the book covers Python programming fundamentals, including dictionaries, lists, loops, and classes. You understand how to use a Python program and how to develop clean, legible code as well as interactive programs. The section concludes with instructions on how to test your code before incorporating it into a project.

The book's second half takes a more practical approach. It puts your knowledge to the test by offering three different projects −

  • Space Invaders-inspired arcade game.
  • A set of data visualizations using Python's helpful libraries.
  • A simple web application that may be deployed online.

Head-First Python-A Brain-Friendly Guide (2nd Edition)

If you're tired of reading Python how-to manuals, Head-First Python is the way to go! This book is a brain-friendly guide (as the title suggests), and it uses a more visual format to stimulate your brain rather than a text-heavy approach, which can quickly become boring.

Head-First Python begins with In-Built Data Structures and Functions and progresses to Python web programs, database management, exception handling, data wrangling, and so on. You can learn about interesting topics like comprehension, context managers, decorators, and generators. Head-First Python is a multi-sensory learning experience that will prepare you to become a true Python coder.

Learn Python the Hard Way(3rd Edition)

'Learn Python 3 the Hard Way' by Zed A. Shaw is a collection of 52 expertly designed exercises. The book is perfect for absolute newcomers, junior developers, and other returning professionals or seasoned specialists looking to refresh their skills. To better understand the problems, the book requires you to learn by doing real coding exercises and solving problems. The author even shows you how to break, fix, and debug your code to give you a taste of coding. The author of this book recommends that you type the code by hand (no copy-paste) so that you may learn how to read and write code, correct your errors, and identify good programs.

Learn Python the Hard Way begins by assisting you in the installation of a complete Python environment before moving on to Basic mathematics, Variables, Strings, Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, and other important topics.

The teaching method is difficult, but you will benefit greatly from your efforts. The book includes several hours of videos that show you how to break, fix, and debug your code.

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (3rd Edition)

Python Programming − An Introduction to Computer Science is great if you wish to learn basic computer science topics while utilizing a very non-standard language, Python. This book aims to explain fundamental computer science concepts as clearly as possible without becoming oversimplified. It can also be used as a standard textbook for your first computing course in college because it focuses on core computer science abilities including designing, programming, and, most importantly, problem-solving.

Purchase Python Programming Book here.

Learn Python Quickly: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learning Python, Even If You’re New to Programming

Learn Python Quickly − A Complete Beginner's Guide to Learning Python, Even If You're New to Programming is an excellent book for— beginners. Python, as one of the most popular programming languages, is a language that many individuals from all areas of life aspire to master. As a result, Code Quickly has designed a book aimed at complete beginners.

This book will help you build a solid foundation in Python. After you've mastered the foundations, you can progress to more intermediate and advanced topics. There's no need to be afraid; thankfully, the book is written in a straightforward manner with easy explanations to help you follow along more readily.

Python for Beginners − A Complete Beginner's Guide Python also offers coding exercises (along with their solutions, so you can see if you're on the right track). There are two Python projects at the conclusion of the book that you can do to tie all of the concepts you've learned together and give you some hands-on experience.

There are also some source code files that you may always refer to. These files can be run on your own PC.

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginners (3rd Edition)

The Third Edition of Python Programming for Absolute Beginners Another highly recommended book for beginners to learn Python is by Michael Dawson.

This book's content is fascinating because it focuses on video game programming. You'll be ready to make your own games by the time you finish the magazine. Because many programmers enjoy video games, they can easily relate to the topics described in this book.

We won't rank this as highly as the first two books on the list, but if the creation game inspires and tempts you to read, this is the book to learn Python for you.


In this article, we learned about five good Python books for absolute beginners. Each book mentioned in this article has a mentioned a career path for the beginner level python developers.

Updated on: 03-Nov-2022


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