What’s new in React Query 3?

React Query 3 is a new library by the React team. It's a query language that helps developers to declaratively specify the data requirements of their React application.

It’s the third iteration of React Query, which was originally developed by Facebook. It’s now maintained by the community and its contributors. It allows you to query and mutate data in a declarative way.

It includes features like automatic caching and stale data handling, which can help take your React apps to the next level. If you're looking for a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use library, React Query is definitely worth considering.

In this article, we'll take a look at how React Query 3 works and see how it can help simplify your React applications -

All About React Query

React Query is a lightweight React library that enables developers to fetch and manage data in React applications. It provides a powerful and easy-to-use API for fetching, caching, and updating data in React applications.

It is designed to work well with React's existing Hooks API and can be used with any React front-end framework. It provides an abstraction over the DOM, with a declarative style to define how the component reacts to updates in its data.

Besides this, it provides data-driven reactivity in which components are automatically updated when some underlying data changes. It also supports nested reactivity so components will update when some other component depends on updates, maintaining the original React model of declarative workflows and explicit dependency graphs.

React Query is also unit-testable and provides a number of features that make it easy to use in large applications.

The main benefits of the library include its simple API, performance, and the ability to be easily integrated into existing React applications. It has been developed to be lightweight and easy to use, so it should not add any significant overhead to your application.

It works by generating memoized queries and caching the results of these queries. This ensures that the next time a user will request the same data, React Query will serve it from cache instead of querying and re-rendering the entire app.

If you are looking for a way to improve the performance of your React application, or if you just want an easy way to fetch and update data, React Query is the right choice to go for.

Why React Query?

React is Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Jordan Walke. React is often referred to as a library or a tool, but it can also be used to create interactive websites and applications.

React Query is an open source library that queries your React components and their descendants, enabling you to apply global data filters or change the data context of descendant components.

React queries are a powerful tool when building complex data structures and they allow the developer to write less code and focus more on the logic.With queries you can do things like paginate, filter, sort and group the data that you are fetching from the server.

Specially the API feature of react-query is able to help developers build their own components and use them in their applications.

It is the best choice for applications that require complex data structures or user interactions, like a visual dashboard or a web-based game.

The most notable new features of React Query 3, i.e. the new shallow compare API and support for unmounting subtrees is a big relief for developers.

  • The shallow compare API returns an object with a list of differences and similarities between two objects, making it easier for React developers to make modifications and introduce changes on the fly.

  • The new unmounting feature allows developers to selectively unmount parts of their components without having to worry about which parts of the component tree they need to leave behind as they reload their application. This is especially helpful when working with data that updates more frequently than once per second, like feeds from social media channels and stock markets.

What’s new in React Query 3?

The latest version of react-query, i.e. React Query 3, introduces a number of new features and improvements.

It is designed to make it easier for developers to query and mutate data in a declarative way while still providing an intuitive API. The API consists of four methods: select, update, create, and delete.

Some of the key features of React Query 3 include -

  • Improved performance thanks to lazy data fetching and caching.

  • A simpler API that is easier to use and more flexible

  • Support for React Hooks for fetching, caching, and updating data

  • Support for TypeScript

  • and more!

Other new features are -

  • It provides a declarative SQL-like query builder that lets you write queries in the form of JS objects. A query is simply a JS object representing the SELECT statement to be executed against a database.

  • The newly introduced function _.raw(value) ensures that values in the query are treated as strings and not JSON objects. This is great for inserting raw binary data, such as images or video, into your queries.

  • The major update includes GraphQL which is a query language for APIs that can also be used in browsers. Developers can now use GraphQL generators such as gqlgen and graphiql-cli to write queries with ease.

The new version also comes with better support and documentation, allowing developers to create projects more easily.

If you're looking for an easy way to fetch and manage data in React, then React Query 3 is definitely worth checking out.


In conclusion, React Query 3 is a powerful tool that can help improve the performance of your application. It is easy to use and provides a variety of features that can help you optimize your application.

This article provided an overview of the features of React Query 3. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to React Query, be sure to check out Tutorials Point.

Updated on: 07-Dec-2022


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