What is the Role of Salesforce Tester?

What is Salesforce?

We live in the 21st Century, where businesses and start-ups search for platforms that will help them to use their customer data effectively. Salesforce is one such Customer Relationship Management platform (CRM).

Earlier employees had to enter data manually. They used to write them down and store them in big files. It was very time-consuming. As we moved ahead of time, companies started using Microsoft Excel sheets to manage their data. Later, to improve customer satisfaction, CRM solutions were bought into action.

The company’s server first hosted CRM solutions. But it became highly expensive and sluggish. A plan was made to build affordable and budget-friendly CRM software. That is how Salesforce eventually took birth. The best thing about it is that it works completely online. They are completely hassle-free. 

Salesforce is a cloud-based Software Company that helps businesses to find potential targets, complete more deals, and provide a high level of service to their customers. It is an integrated platform that gives a single shared view of the customers.

Salesforce testing is necessary as the applications and systems encircling it are very complex. It is a crucial part of any organization that depends heavily on this platform.

How does Salesforce Tester Work?

Now let’s take a look at how a salesforce tester works −

Salesforce testers work like fully-developed engineers. They are often referred to as Quality Engineers as an alternative to Quality Assurance. The main job of a Salesforce tester includes testing units, manuals, automation, load, functions, implementation, etc. They are either Salesforce-Certified Administrators or Salesforce-Certified Developers.

Salesforce Tester review codes for bugs, design, scale, and maintain complex salesforce test frameworks. They also set up test environments from scratch. It is important for the code review and release process. Testers should know software like Cucumber, HP Unified Functional Testing, Ant migration tool, Workday, AssureClick, Jasmine, Karma, Junit, etc., for automated testing.

By reviewing codes, Salesforce testers have to test projects on software like Agile, Waterfall, Spiral, Iterative, etc. It helps them find potential issues and give improvement suggestions. They must have the skill, talent, and experience to be higher than a developer or analyst.

Salesforce Testers have a bright career when they add an ADM 201 Certificate to their resume. They can shift to the role of a Business Analyst later, as they already have a background in testing.

Cloud Computing is a dynamic field. This field has a high scope of innovations. Salesforce is just a part of it. It is famous because it is the most cost-effective and innovative adaptation of Cloud Computing. It has a huge demand for certified employees.

A Salesforce Project’s team consists of the following members: Salesforce Testers, Business Analysts, Project Managers, Scrum Masters, Quality Analysts, and Administrators.

What is the Role of a Salesforce Tester?

Let’s take a little more tour in depth about the roles and responsibilities of a Salesforce Tester −

  • They create the Application Logic, a function for writing the Apex Code. 

  • They create Visualforce pages, a framework based on employee or customer requirements.

  • They test Salesforce Automation using Software like Selenium or UFT Testing Platform. 

  • They conduct analysis, develop strategies and execute test cases through function maps.

  • This can be manual or automated. 

  • They increase the integration of the Salesforce Application Programming Interface (API) with the existing data. 

  • The API techniques are combined to ensure useful communication between the two systems.

  • They fix bugs with the aid of a Salesforce Admin.

  • They test the outcome with a staging Sandbox before submitting it. 

  • They perform ongoing documentation throughout the development process.

  • They constantly communicate with Salesforce administrators to prepare themselves for customer dealings or support issues. 

  • They send product updates, specify product issues and execute integrations to meet customers’ needs. 

  • They place data from Sandbox to production and validate the codes. 

  • They also perform equal partitioning and boundary analysis.

  • They participate in user story mapping, sprint planning, estimation, and feature walk-throughs. 

  • They examine results and track issues by conducting user acceptance testing. 

  • They make daily progress reports and implement solutions and pending issues. 

  • They have demonstrated expertise in Software like Agile or Scrum frameworks for defect identification, impact analysis and regression testing. 

  • Salesforce testers have to test Salesforce.com or Force.com applications.

  • The other functions of a Salesforce tester include testing 

  • Functional

  • Unit,

  • Process,

  • Manual

  • Automated

  • Performance

  • Load

  • Integration

  • Security

  • Smoke

  • Regression

  • User acceptance and

  • CRM ad-hoc testing.

Since you need to deal with multiple people in this role, it will be helpful if you maintain a peaceful mind. The role of a software tester is not easy, but when done with patience, it gives great results.


Salesforce testers are social animals and have excellent communication skills. To be a Salesforce Tester, you should have a strong ability to guide and work with cross-functional teams. A combination of various soft skills will make it easier for you to hold this position. You should also possess premium organizational and project management skills. You have to set your deadlines straight and have to abide by them. There is no place for being lazy. And above all, you should know every loophole in data.

If you want to be a Salesforce tester, you can look for the Salesforce courses in your city and enrol in them.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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