What is the full form of IPF?

What is IPF?

IPF stands for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. It is a serious disease and doctors do not know the reason behind it. No treatment for the disease is available and people suffering from it can die within months or years depending upon the severity of the disease. Lungs consist of tiny air sacs in which oxygen moves when the air is inhaled. Oxygen also moves in the bloodstream when the air is inhaled. This oxygen travels to different organs. IPF grows the scar tissue in the lungs and it creates problems in breathing.

Symptoms of IPF

You may be suffering from IPF for a long time but there are chances that symptoms are not noticed. There are 300 million air sacs in each of your lungs which are filled with oxygen when you inhale the air. Oxygen and carbon dioxide can easily pass through these sacs as the walls are very thin. If you suffer from IPF, scar tissue is formed on the walls of these sacs and makes them hard and thick. Passing of air becomes difficult and this leads to shortness of breath.

People who suffer from this disease have dry coughs and shallow and rapid breathing. A cracking noise is heard by doctors when they use a stethoscope in the lungs. If this scarring increases, it can lead to chest pain, leg pain, and less craving for food. Besides these, you may feel tired, lose weight, suffer from joint pain, etc.

Causes of IPF

The exact cause of IPF has not yet been found but researchers admit that the things like smoke, dust, etc. inhaled by you can be one of the causes of IPF. It is believed that sacs in the lungs are attacked repeatedly by foreign particles and this leads to the symptoms of IPF.

Diagnosis of IPF

Diagnosis of IPF is a difficult task as it is similar to many diseases related to the lungs. You may have to visit doctors for several times for its diagnosis. If the breathing problem persists, it is better that you meet a pulmonologist who is a specialist in treating the diseases related to the lungs. Doctors may ask the following questions while using the stethoscope −

  • Time since the problem has occurred

  • Having smoked or taken any drugs

  • Working with chemicals

  • Any family member suffering from IPF

  • Any other medical issues

Tests Related to IPF

If the breathing problem persists, doctors may ask you to go for different types of tests to check whether you have IPF or not. Some of these tests are discussed below −

Scanning of Chest

Doctors may ask you to go for an x-ray of your chest. If there is scar tissue, its shadows will be displayed on the lungs. You may also have to go for a high-resolution CT scan which will provide better results than X-rays and has the ability to detect IPF at an earlier stage.

Test Through Spirometer

Your doctor may use a spirometer for a breathing test. This test will let the doctor know about the health of your lungs. You have to inhale the air deeply and exhale it as hard as possible. The air has to be exhaled in a tube. The nose will be closed through a clip and you will have to inhale and exhale through your mouth.

Pulse Oximetry

In this test, the oxygen level in your arteries is checked by clipping a small sensor on your fingertip or ear and then sending a painless beam.

Blood Test

Doctors may also ask you to go for a blood test so that oxygen and carbon dioxide levels can be checked. The blood is extracted from the artery of the arm, groin, or wrist. This type of blood extraction is a little painful. After the blood is extracted, you have to put pressure on that spot to stop bleeding.

Skin Test

Tuberculosis is a disease that may lead to symptoms similar to IPF. A test is needed for the treatment of this disease. A bubble is formed after injecting a substance through a needle The doctor may ask you for a visit after 48 or 72 hours to check the effect of the bubble. This effect can be in the form of a swollen bump which will be red in color.

Exercise Test

In this test, you have to perform exercise on a treadmill to check the pushing of oxygen from your lungs. Your heart rate and blood pressure will also be measured through the test.

Lung Biopsy

This is considered as the best test to diagnose IPF. Samples of a few tissues are taken from the lungs and are checked through a microscope to see whether there is a scarring or not. A needle or a tube is inserted in your chest or a tube may travel to the throat from your mouth. There are a few types of biopsies in which you will need local anesthesia to numb an area in your body. In other cases, you will have to consume a drug to go into a deep sleep so that the procedure can be done. Your doctor may ask you to stop consuming anything 8 hours before the test.

Other Tests

You may have to go through many other tests like bronchoscopy in which a tube with a camera will be inserted in your chest, mouth, or nose. There is another test called Broncho alveolar lavage in which tissue samples are collected by injecting salt water into the lungs. Another test called thoracotomy may be conducted in which small pieces of tissues will be removed from your lungs by making a cut between the ribs. You will have to sleep during all these tests. A medicine will be given to you for sleeping.

Treatment of IPF

IPF cannot be treated but supportive treatments can help the patients to breathe comfortably. Some other treatments may also slow down the process of damaging your lungs. Some of the supportive treatments are discussed here.


Nintedanib (Ofev) and pirfenidone (Esbriet) are the two approved drugs which have the ability to stop the process of scarring in the lungs. This will slow down the process of the growth of IPF to the worst conditions. Doctors may suggest other medicines which will help you to get rid of inflammation.

Oxygen Therapy

This is a therapy which helps you to get rid of the problem of shortness of breath. There is a mask through which you have to inhale oxygen. You need to wear oxygen on the basis of the seriousness of your condition. Other people may only need good sleep and exercise.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

This is a therapy in which a team of therapists, doctors, and nurses take care of you. They will work on different ways to slow down the effects of the symptoms of IPF. You will have to apply ways to save your energy. Besides this, doctors may suggest you to do exercises, relief from stress, eat healthy food, relaxation, etc. You can do the rehabilitation program in the hospital or at home.

Lung Transplant

In the case of severe conditions for IPF, you may have to go for a lung transplant. Donors of lungs are not available easily and in such a case you will have to avoid smoking and only have a healthy diet. It takes 6 to 8 hours to transplant a single lung and 6 to 12 hours to transplant both lungs. After the surgery, you may have to stay in the hospital for 3 or more weeks so that doctors can observe the changes. Your blood will be tested to make sure whether the body has accepted the lungs or not.


IPF can be expanded to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. It is a disease in which scar tissue is formed due to various reasons like smoking, inhaling asbestos and other such materials and many more. There is no treatment for this disease but its effects can be slowed down by medicines, healthy diet, exercise, etc. In severe conditions, patients may have to go for a lung transplant.


FAQ 1: What are the causes of IPF?

Ans − IPF can be caused due to continuous smoking, drinking, unhealthy diet, breathing in a polluted environment, etc.

FAQ 2: Can PF be treated?

Ans − No! there is no treatment for IPF. Doctors may provide supportive treatment to help patients to breathe comfortably. In severe conditions, patients may have to go for a lung transplant.

FAQ 3: What is the full form of IPF?

Ans − IPF stands for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

FAQ 4: What are the symptoms of IPF?

Ans − The symptoms of IPF include shortness of breath, dry cough, loss of appetite, and many more.

FAQ 5: Is the diagnosis of IPF easy?

Ans − No! Diagnosis of IPF is difficult as it is similar to other lung diseases.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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