What is the full form of FM?


Frequency Modulation (FM) is a technique for sending data across a carrier wave by changing the frequency of the wave in response to the modulating signal. The carrier wave's frequency varies proportionately to the amplitude of the modulating signal. The outcome is a signal with variable frequency but constant amplitude.

High-fidelity audio signals are frequently transmitted using FM because it is less prone to noise and interference than other modulation methods. Additionally, it is utilised in radio broadcasting, navigational systems, and other programmes that call for long- distance information transmission. To recover the original modulating signal from the FM signal, either a straightforward resonant circuit or an FM demodulator can be used.

Advantages of Frequency Modulation

In comparison to other modulation methods, FM has a number of benefits, making it a preferred option for applications requiring the transmission of high-quality signals. Here are some advantages of Frequency Modulation (FM) −

  • High Quality Signal − FM generates a high-quality signal that is less prone to interference and noise. Because of this, it is perfect for transmitting high-fidelity audio transmissions, like music, where signal quality is crucial.

  • Greater Signal-to-Noise Ratio − The FM signal's constant amplitude makes it less susceptible to noise than other modulation methods, which results in a greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

  • Narrow Bandwidth − FM signals require less frequency spectrum for transmission since they have a smaller bandwidth than other modulation methods like amplitude modulation (AM). FM is a more effective utilisation of the radio frequency spectrum as a result.

  • Simple Demodulation − Demodulating FM transmissions is not very difficult. It is possible to separate the modulating signal from the FM carrier using a straightforward resonant circuit or an FM demodulator.

  • Immunity to Amplitude Distortion − FM is resistant to amplitude distortion brought on by transmission channel non-linearity. In situations where the signal is delivered across a non-linear channel, such as a microwave connection, this makes it helpful.

  • Frequency Diversity − In order to lessen the impacts of multipath propagation and enhance signal quality, FM can be used in conjunction with frequency diversity methods, in which the signal is concurrently delivered over several frequencies.

Disadvantages of Frequency Modulation

When choosing a modulation technique for a specific application, one should take into account FM's advantages and disadvantages over other modulation methods. Here are some disadvantages of Frequency Modulation (FM) −

  • High Bandwidth Requirement − Although FM signals require a wider bandwidth than some digital modulation techniques, they do so despite having a narrower bandwidth than some other modulation techniques. This might be a drawback for situations with constrained bandwidth.

  • Greater Transmission Power Requirement − In order to attain the same range, FM requires more transmission power than amplitude modulation (AM) does. In situations where power consumption is an issue, this might be a drawback.

  • Susceptibility to Interference − Although FM is less prone to noise and interference than AM, some types of interference, such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI), can still have an impact on FM.

  • Complexity − The complexity and expense of the receiver may rise because FM demodulation needs more intricate circuitry than AM demodulation.

  • Non-linear Distortion − Compared to AM signals, FM transmissions are more susceptible to non-linear distortions in the transmission channel. The modulated signal's signal quality can be decreased by these distortions, which can lead to the appearance of new frequency components.

Applications of Frequency Modulation

Numerous industries use frequency modulation (FM), which has many applications.

FM is a flexible modulation method that is frequently used in several applications that need high-quality signal transmission. Some of the common applications of FM are −

  • Broadcasting − In radio broadcasting, FM is often utilised, particularly for high- fidelity music and speech. Compared to other modulation techniques, it offers a high-quality audio stream that is less vulnerable to noise and interference.

  • Navigation Systems − For precise position tracking, FM is utilised in navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS). To send time and positioning data between satellites and receivers, GPS uses FM.

  • Telemetry − In telemetry applications where reliable data transmission is crucial, such as remote monitoring of industrial operations, FM is frequently employed. FM is appropriate for telemetry applications since it is less prone to noise and interference.

  • Wireless Communications − Long-distance speech and data transmission in wireless devices like mobile phones and two-way radios is made possible by FM. Compared to other modulation systems, FM provides a superior signal quality and better resilience to noise and interference.

  • Television − The audio portion of a television signal is transmitted using FM in television transmission. In order to deliver high-quality audio signals that are less vulnerable to noise and interference, FM is employed in television.

  • Radar − Radar systems employ FM to broadcast and receive radio signals for object detection and tracking. Better range resolution and signal detection are provided by FM radar systems.


In conclusion, compared to other modulation techniques like amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM) provides a number of advantages. It generates a high- quality signal with a narrow bandwidth that is less impacted by noise and interference and is very simple to demodulate. FM is widely used in broadcasting, radar, telemetry, wireless communications, navigation systems, and television. While it does have some advantages over some digital modulation techniques, it also has some drawbacks, including a higher bandwidth and transmission power requirement. FM continues to be a well-liked and adaptable modulation technology in a variety of applications where high-quality signal transmission is required, despite its drawbacks.


Q 1 What is the difference between FM and AM?

There are two distinct modulation methods − FM and AM. In FM, the carrier wave's frequency fluctuates together with the modulating signal, whereas in AM, the carrier wave's amplitude varies along with the modulating signal.

Q 2: What distinguishes wideband FM from narrowband FM?

Wideband FM (WBFM) employs a greater frequency variation, often between 50 kHz and 100 kHz. On the other side, a kind of FM and narrowband FM (NBFM) has relatively minor frequency deviations, usually around 5 kHz.

Q 3: What is the modulation index in FM?

The FM modulation index is a measurement of how much the carrier signal's frequency varies in response to modulating signal changes. It is determined by dividing the modulating frequency by the peak frequency deviation.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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