What is Structured Data for SEO?

Data that complies with a data model has a clearly defined structure, follows a logical order, and is simple for a person or computer program to access and utilize is structured data. A well-defined data model or schema is often used to accomplish this, giving the data a structure.

The organization of structured data distinguishes it from unstructured data, frequently seen in databases and spreadsheets. Every record or row in the schema normally designates a unique instance of a certain data piece, then gives its field or column. For instance, the identity, residence, contact information, and email of every customer may be listed in the records of a customer database.

Generally, structured data is kept in databases or other places with clear schemas. It is usually tabular, with columns and rows explicitly defining its features. SQL (Structured Query Language) is frequently employed to control structured data kept in databases.



Data can be stored and accessed more easily when structured and has a clear framework.

Lack of adaptability − Any modifications to the database's schema or structure necessitate major database changes; structured data can sometimes be restrictive in incorporating fresh data formats.

A text string or set of attributes can be used to index data. This simplifies the operation of the search.

Complex connections − The sophistication of connections between data elements in structured data is frequently simple. Modeling complicated real-world settings may be challenging as a result.

Knowledge may be quickly derived from data thanks to data mining, which is simple.

Local context − It might be more challenging to comprehend the meaning and importance of structured data since it frequently misses the contextual information and detail that fragmented or semi-structured content can offer.

The well-structured shape of the data makes operations like updating and removing simple.

Expensive − Database systems and similar technologies are needed to work with structured information, and their implementation and upkeep can be costly.

Business intelligence operations, such as data management, are simple to carry out.

If the amount of data increases, it is easily scalable.

Secure data storage is simple to achieve.

Structures Data V/S Unstructured Data

It's more than just an SEO issue regarding structured vs. unstructured data. This difference impacts every kind of data. With your phone, for instance, your contacts are an example of structured data (all identities and contacts are arranged into distinct fields). Still, the images (presuming they need timestamps or geographical tags) are unstructured data.

  • Other programs can better interpret structured data because it fits into predetermined models and protocols. There is no specified model for unstructured data. Schema.org is the methodology used in SEO to read structured data, which helps all search engines comprehend the data on a web page.

  • Qualitative information—interactions on social media, conversations, photos, etc.—predominates in unstructured data. Structured data uses statistical and designated fields and is, therefore more quantitative.

  • The complexity and storage requirements of unstructured data might be enormous. Because unstructured data is typically kept in data lakes, as opposed to structured data, which is considerably simpler to organize and is kept in data warehouses.

  • It is significantly simpler to examine structured data since it conforms to predetermined models and standards. Structured data is used in SEO to tell browsers what a certain piece of data is about so it may be comprehensible and presented to the public.

More on Structured Data for SEO

The website's code notifies web crawlers about what content is on the page and instructs browsers on how to organize information on the page.

There is also a role for structured data in this. The information that Google and other search engines show in the SERPs as well as what this data means, are determined by embedded tags of code that are spread throughout the HTML of a webpage. Also, using the Open Graph Protocol aids social media platforms in synthesizing your social media postings into thumbnails of the material.

It's crucial to use this markup. Doing so informs search engines about the page's specific content. In addition to producing more pertinent, well-informed searches also qualify the website for better outcomes like search ads, rich excerpts, multimedia carousels, information panels, and more.

How Should Structured Data be Used?

Structured data allows you to communicate with search engines. The ingredients in your cuisine, the time required for preparation, and the number of calories the dish will have can all be disclosed to search engines. You may find out who created the things you sell on Amazon, how much you charge for them, and what customers think of them. Google can quickly comprehend all that data and decide whether to display it on the results page. A technique you can utilize is structured data, which you can use to provide Google with relevant content about a particular page on your searched website. Google will then be able to produce results that are rich in information. And viewers enjoy these fascinating snippets.

Why Structured Data Is "Marked Up"

Phrases like "marking up structured data" and "structured data markup" are common when interacting with structured data.

Structured data is "marked up" when the structured data source is produced. A computational language is what is meant by markup. A language used for markup is HTML.

Both the code that helps the browser show the web page and the content of the web page are organized by HTML. Informational material geared towards search engines is also present in the HTML. These details are referred to as metadata.

Markup Language is Used for Structured Data

A markup language also applies to structured data. Like how HTML transmits information, structured data organizes content so search engine crawlers can present it pleasingly.

Structured data is metadata, much like the HTML meta description element.

Information that is hidden from visitors to the site is known as metadata. Search engines can access the information in structured data.

Structured data makes it simple for search engine crawlers to comprehend the subject matter of images and material and appropriately show that stuff in the search results.

The title of a product, the text of reviews, the ratings, and the photos are a few instances of the various kinds of data arranged by structured data.

With structured data, a publisher can tag product names, review material, user reviews, and image tags for search engines.

Search engines can recognize a product image without the assistance of algorithms when there is structured data available. They can identify it as a product image thanks to structured data.

An image is identified as an image of a specific product, a set of text is identified as user reviews, etc.

The Usage of Structured Data by Google

The top placement in the highlighted snippet is found at the top of the search result page, and search results with stars and photos are available to websites that utilize structured data. Traffic may increase as a result of all of that.

Using structured data is not truly optional; it is a requirement. Your rivals will carry it out if you don't.


It is extremely valuable because it is simple to search, query, and analyze structured data using various tools and techniques. This makes it the perfect format for data-driven applications like analytics and business intelligence, as well as those involving the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Relational database management systems, XML, and JSON, are a few structured data formats. Unstructured data, such as text files or photographs, on the other hand, has a predefined schema or framework and can be more challenging to analyze and interpret.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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