What is Storage Testing Tutorial with Type & Concepts?

Storage Testing

Storage testing is a form of software testing which is used to ensure that the software program under test saves necessary data in the correct folders and has adequate capacity to avoid unanticipated cancellations due to a lack of storage capacity. Storage Performance Testing is another name for it.

Why Storage Testing?

  • Slow storage causes slower responsiveness, longer query times, and worse application availability.

  • Poor memory adds to the cost of server infrastructure upkeep.

  • It aids in determining its actual storage limits prior to implementation.

  • It is beneficial to comprehend how the system behaves when a fresh hardware device is installed or updated.

Types of Storage Testing

  • Application Testing − It entails running sample requests in a development scenario.

  • Application Simulation − Carry out the testing with standard software that is comparable to the target application.

  • Benchmarking − Use standard software to do the testing.

Common testing concepts involved during storage testing

Types of Storage TestingCommon storage testing activities example
Application Testing
  • Compare OLTP response times

  • Compare batch run times

  • Compare sustained streaming rates

Application Simulation
  • Test peak storage IOPS for databases

  • Test peak storage for data streaming environment or data streaming environments

  • Test storage latency for messaging or other single-threaded applications

  • Testing for data corruption

Mistakes while performing Storage Testing

  • Analyzing the incorrect server's operation.

  • Checking storage devices without deleting the server cache.

  • During testing, failing to monitor processor consumption.

  • Using file copy instructions to evaluate storage performance.


Storage, Software Engineering Testing procedures guarantee that the program undergoing testing saves essential data in the correct locations.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2021


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