What is Non Destructive Software Testing (NDST)?

What exactly is Non-Destructive Software Testing?

Non Destructive Testing is a sort of software testing that comprises evaluating and appropriately engaging with the software program. To put it another way, Non-Destructive Software Testing (NDT) is also known as Positive Testing or Happy Path Testing. It produces the required outcomes and demonstrates that the software program behaves as predicted.

Putting the necessary info into a login module and testing to see if it recognizes credentials and moves onto another step is an example.

In the previous example, input numeric characters in the username text field to undertake non-destructive testing. As a result of entering the number character, the intended result will be affirmative.

We will cover the following in this tutorial −

  • What exactly is Non-Destructive Software Testing (NDST)?

  • Why is Non Destructive Software Testing (NDT) performed?

  • When is Non Destructive Testing (NDT) used?

  • Non-Destructive Testing Test Strategy

  • Non-Destructive Testing Instances

Why is Non-Destructive Software Testing Performed?

  • The primary advantage of the NDT approach is that it leads in higher software quality and the elimination of defects.

  • To show that software functionalities are performing as expected.

  • The performance criteria for verifying have been satisfied.

  • To ensure that end-user needs are satisfied

  • To ensure that the little part of code or functionality works as intended and does not interfere with the associated functionality.

When is Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) used?

  • It's also the initial type of checking a tester would do on an app. (i.e., at the start of the SDLC)

  • If we don't have enough time to test, we frequently resort to nondestructive testing.

Non-Destructive Testing Test Strategy

  • Non-destructive testing should be approached positively.

  • The goal of the NDT approach is to demonstrate that a program will operate if given accurate input data.

  • Non-destructive testing is not subject to any specific requirements.

  • The ideal non-destructive testing approach is to ensure that the system accomplishes what it is designed to do.

Non-Destructive Testing Instances

  • An application comprises five modules − the login page, the home page, the user information page, the new account registration page, the task creation page, and so on.

  • Assume we have a glitch on the login page, and the username field only takes six alpha-numeric characters. This is in violation of the stated standards, which indicate that usernames should not be fewer than six characters long. So, in the circumstance described above, it is a fault.

  • The problem is now submitted to the project team, which fixes it and gives it back to the test team. The testing team not only examines the login page where the problem has been rectified but also other modules. While validating all of the modules, it uses non-destructive testing to ensure that the entire program is operating correctly.


  • Software testing is a procedure that is used to uncover flaws in software in order to achieve a certain level of performance.

  • Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is a sort of software testing that comprises testing and appropriately engaging with the software program.

  • The primary advantage of the NDT approach is that it leads in higher software quality and the elimination of defects.

  • Whenever we may not have enough time to test, we frequently resort to non-destructive testing.

  • The goal of the NDT approach is to demonstrate that an application will operate if given accurate input data.

Updated on: 25-Nov-2021


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