What is Digital Marketing Copywriting?

Content marketing is crucial for businesses to survive and thrive in this fast-paced, dynamic business environment. Many people cannot understand the point of distinction between copywriting and content writing and hence invest large amounts of resources in the wrong pool. Copywriting is something that is exclusively done with the business purpose in mind, and content writing is something that is done to expand the horizons of business and to create a relationship with its customers.

In this article, we will be understanding the concept of copywriting, what points to consider while drafting an exclusive and impactful work in copywriting, what the difference between copywriting and content writing is, and what the benefits of copywriting are for a firm.

The Concept of Copywriting

Copywriting is writing content for the business with the business’s purpose in mind. In simple terms, it is to persuade the users to take action after reading the content and turn into consumers or customers for the business. The companies can focus on XYZ things that will help with the betterment of the business, but they cannot run away from the fact that they have to ensure sales in order to be in the market. Copywriting helps the company develop marketing content that will invoke emotions in the customers and influence their ultimate purchase decision. It is a strategic move that is going to touch every nerve of the consumer and help him or her make the decision. Some examples of copywriting are −

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads

  • Social media ads.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) landing pages

  • Sales email.

  • Cost per-mile ads

  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

  • Product pages.

  • Google ads.

  • Website sales copy

  • SMS ads and others

Factors to Take into Consideration While Developing an Effective Copywriting Piece for Digital Marketing Purposes

The following factors act as a set of guidelines for the digital marketer or writer in creating an effective copywriting piece and will also help in distinguishing between content writing and copywriting work.

  • Purpose − Before designing any content it is crucial for companies to understand the purpose of the content. Copywriting is mainly done by businesses to incite consumers to take action. The action could be to register for the particular webinar, call in to get more information, or make the ultimate purchase decision. It is done by the companies to provoke a response from customers, unlike content writing, which is done by the companies for informational or entertainment purposes. For example, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads, and others are used to persuade consumers to make a purchase decision.

  • Length of the content − When it comes to copywriting, we generally see that crisp, precise content that can create traction is much appreciated. Most consumers will not be interested in reading 2000- or 3000-word articles regarding the product or service. There could be exceptions in certain cases when the consumer is an expert or the product is very technological. But consumers generally want the companies to create content that is useful and avoids the nitty-gritty. In advertising as well, there are always word and time constraints, so the copywriter has to pick the best of the best when creating content for copywriting. On the other hand, in the case of content writing, since it is for educational and entertainment purposes, users would not mind going through the details. Shorter content write-ups may attract backlinks and improve website ranking.

  • Grammatical formation − good grammar is appreciated but is not the hard-and-fast rule for creating good copywriting content. Incomplete sentences, rhyming words, and simple sentences attract more views for an ad than correct, grammatically formed sentences. For example, Zomato, the food delivery company, published an ad asking, Ladka Nikal Gaya Kya?" The sentence is framed poorly and is incomplete, but was a hit among the customers because they could relate to the content and had a light laugh as well. While writing content for a content-writing purpose, all the rules of grammar should be followed to attract users and rank better on browsing sites.

  • Emotions − Companies should be able to invoke emotions in the reader of their content in order to ensure purchase. The emotions can be of different types, like humor, sadness, joy, sensual fear of missing out, and others. This will help the brand create a relationship with its consumers. For example, companies can come up with ads in which they show people they can get the best deal if they purchase now or that an offer is available only for the first 200 purchases. This will invoke the emotion of fear of missing out, and the consumer will make the impulse purchase decision. Naaptol, a website, worked heavily on this model. The company used to create artificial scarcity for the product so that consumers would make a quick purchase decision.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) − both copywriting and content writing will only work if the content is SEO-rich. Consumers will not land on your page if you are not using SEO-rich content. Since the length of articles in content writing is huge as compared to copywriting, writers have more space to add in all the details of SEO and keywords. In the case of copywriting, companies can target long-tailed keywords to get more genuine and interested customers on the landing page and create traffic for themselves. SEO will only help consumers find the company’s page; without SEO, the company will be lost in the flood of other unknowns.

Benefits of Copywriting

  • It helps the company get sales − Sales are the only activity in a business that helps the company generate revenue. Copywriting helps the company get sales. It always has a call to action button and ensures that ads are persuasive enough for them to go for the product and with the brand.

  • It helps the company increase brand awareness − Since the company is directly promoting the product and the brand name, consumers read about the company and an image of the company is formed in the mind of the consumer. The chances of misunderstanding the brand name and forgetting that decrease with good copywriting.

  • It helps the company pinch the right nerves − Since the motto is to get sales, copywriting helps the company pinch the right nerves and provoke the right sentiments.

  • It improves the ranking of the website on browsing websites − With the right keywords, quality content, and appropriate backlinks, copywriting ensures that the ranking of the page and the website improves.

  • It helps the company cut to the chase and concentrate on the target audience − Instead of beating around the bush, copywriting helps you connect with the target audience and sell the product. It gives the consumer all the information that is required to make the purchase decision. Here, the company puts its best foot forward and persuades them to purchase.

Copywriting is crucial for the company. In content writing, the focus of the company is to create quality content and build a relationship, but in many cases, customers like the content but cannot remember the brand name. In those cases, all the efforts of the company go in vain. With copywriting, since the company will be aggressively selling itself, this issue of brand forgetfulness will be solved. Companies should focus on creating attractive, crisp, and impactful copy for the brand and the product.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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