What is a Scroll Map?

A scroll map represents how far down a webpage visitors scroll before leaving the page. It shows the areas of the page that visitors viewed and the parts they skipped over or did not reach. Scroll maps can help website owners and designers to understand user behavior and optimize their website layout to improve engagement and conversions. By identifying where visitors lose interest and stop scrolling, website owners can modify their content or design to encourage users to stay on the page longer or engage with specific elements. Scroll maps are often used with other web analytics tools to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior on a website.

How to use a Scroll Map?

To use a scroll map, follow these steps −

  • Choose a scroll mapping tool  There are several tools available that can create scroll maps. Some popular options include Crazy Egg, Hotjar, and ClickTale.

  • Install the scroll mapping tool  Once you have selected a tool, you must install it on your website. This will usually involve copying a small snippet of code onto your website.

  • Collect data  After installation, the scroll mapping tool will collect data about how visitors interact with your website. Depending on your website's traffic, this process may take a few days or weeks.

  • Analyze the scroll map  Once you have collected enough data, you can analyze the scroll map to identify patterns and trends. Look for areas where visitors tend to drop off or lose interest and places where they spend the most time.

  • Optimize your website  Use the insights from the scroll map to make changes, such as adjusting the layout or adding more engaging content. Test these changes and monitor the scroll map to see if they positively impact user behavior.

How do FullStory's scroll maps work?

FullStory is a customer experience analytics platform that offers a scroll map feature. Here's how it works −

  • Record user sessions  FullStory records user sessions on your website, including mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling behavior.

  • Generate a scroll map  Using the recorded data, FullStory generates a scroll map that shows the percentage of users who scroll to each part of the page. The map is color-coded, with areas that were viewed by more users appearing in darker colors.

  • Analyze the data  By analyzing the scroll map, you can identify problem areas on your website where users tend to drop off or lose interest. You can also determine the most interesting parts of the page where users spend the most time.

  • Make improvements  Based on the insights gained from the scroll map, you can improve your website design and content to improve engagement and conversions. For example, you can adjust the placement of calls-to-action, add more engaging visuals, or enhance the readability of your content.

  • Monitor results  After making improvements, you can monitor the results using FullStory to see if engagement and conversions have improved.

Pros and Cons



Understand user behavior − Scroll maps provide insights into how users interact with your website, including which parts of the page they view and how far down they scroll. This information can help you better understand user behavior and optimize your website.

Limited data − Scroll maps can only provide insights into user behavior related to scrolling. They do not provide information about other user actions on your website, such as clicking on links or interacting with forms.

Identify problem areas − Scroll maps can help you identify problem areas on your website, such as sections that users tend to skip over or where they tend to drop off. This can help you make improvements to those areas and increase engagement.

Incomplete picture  Scroll maps show the behavior of a sample of website visitors but not all visitors. This can lead to an incomplete picture of user behavior and may not accurately represent the behavior of your entire audience.

Optimize website design  By understanding how users interact with your website, you can optimize your website design to improve engagement and conversions. For example, you can adjust the placement and design of calls to action or make your content more visually appealing.

Technical issues  Installing a scroll mapping tool on your website can sometimes cause technical problems, such as slowing down your website or interfering with other analytics tools.

Improve user experience  By optimizing your website design based on scroll map insights, you can improve the user experience on your website. This can lead to increased engagement, longer time-on-site, and higher conversions.

Cost  Some scroll mapping tools can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses or websites with limited traffic. This can make it difficult for some companies to justify the cost of using a scroll map.

When and Whom is the Scroll Map Essential For?

Scroll maps can be useful for many businesses and individuals with a website, including −

  • E-commerce businesses  Scroll maps can help e-commerce businesses understand which product and checkout pages are the most engaging to visitors and which areas need improvement to increase conversions.

  • Digital marketers  Digital marketers can use scroll maps to optimize the website design and improve engagement and conversions. By understanding how users interact with a website, digital marketers can make data-driven decisions about website design and content.

  • Website designers  Website designers can use scroll maps to understand how users interact with their designs and optimize the user experience. Website designers can improve engagement by identifying areas where users tend to drop off or lose interest.

  • Content creators  Content creators can use scroll maps to understand which types of content are the most engaging to visitors and which sections need improvement to increase engagement.

  • UX designers  UX designers can use scroll maps to optimize the user experience by understanding how users interact with a website and making data-driven decisions about website design.

Why Do Marketers Use the Scroll Map?

Marketers use scroll maps to gain insights into user behavior on their websites. Here are some specific reasons why marketers use scroll maps −

  • Understand user engagement  Scroll maps show which parts of a webpage user interact with and which sections they skip over or do not reach. This information can help marketers identify which parts of their website engage users and which are not.

  • Improve website layout  By identifying where users tend to drop off or lose interest, marketers can optimize their website layout to encourage users to stay on the page longer or engage with specific elements. This can include making content more prominent, simplifying the navigation, or adjusting the placement of calls to action.

  • Increase conversions  Scroll maps can help marketers identify the most effective areas of their website for placing calls-to-action, such as buttons or links. By optimizing the placement and design of these elements, marketers can increase conversions and drive more revenue for their business.

  • Monitor website performance  By tracking scroll maps over time, marketers can monitor the performance of their website and identify changes in user behavior. This can help them stay ahead of trends and adjust their website as needed.


Scroll maps are a useful tool for businesses and individuals who want to understand user behavior on their websites and optimize their website design and content for better engagement and conversions. Scroll maps provide insights into how users interact with a website, including which parts of the page they view and how far down they scroll. This information can help businesses and individuals make data-driven website design and content decisions to improve engagement and conversions. While there are potential limitations and disadvantages to using scroll maps, they remain an important tool for optimizing website design and user experience.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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