What are the seaborn compatible IDLEs?

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are software applications that provide comprehensive tools and features to facilitate software development. The following are the IDLEs that are compatible with seaborn library.

Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab

Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab are widely used interactive computing environments for data analysis and visualization. They provide a web-based interface where we can write and execute Python code in cells. Seaborn integrates seamlessly with Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, allowing us to create and visualize plots directly within the notebook environment. The inline plotting feature in Jupyter Notebook displays Seaborn plots directly in the notebook, making it easy to iterate on visualizations and share our findings.


Spyder is an open−source scientific Python IDE that provides a powerful development environment for scientific computing and data analysis. Spyder offers an interactive console, a variable explorer, and an integrated editor with features like code completion and debugging. Seaborn is fully compatible with Spyder, allowing us to create and customize plots using the Seaborn library. We can easily execute Seaborn code within Spyder and view the resulting plots in separate windows or in the integrated Plots pane.


PyCharm is a popular Python IDE developed by JetBrains. It offers a range of features for efficient coding, debugging, and project management. PyCharm supports Seaborn and allows us to write and run Seaborn code seamlessly. We can create Seaborn plots and view them within the IDE using the built−in Matplotlib integration. PyCharm also provides interactive IPython consoles and Jupyter Notebook support, allowing for a more interactive and exploratory data visualization workflow with Seaborn.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and highly customizable source code editor developed by Microsoft. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python. With the Python extension and various community−contributed extensions, we can turn VS Code into a powerful Python development environment. Seaborn is fully compatible with VS Code, and we can write and execute Seaborn code within the editor. We can also use the Matplotlib integration in VS Code to display Seaborn plots inline or in separate windows.

Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator is a graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Anaconda Distribution, which is a popular Python distribution for scientific computing. Anaconda Navigator allows us to manage packages, environments, and launch applications like Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, and Spyder. Seaborn is included in the Anaconda distribution, and we can use it in conjunction with any of the supported IDEs or editors available in Anaconda Navigator.


Atom is a customizable and cross-platform text editor that supports various programming languages, including Python. Atom offers a wide range of community−developed packages that enhance its functionality for Python development. We can install packages like Hydrogen, which provides an interactive coding experience with support for executing code in Jupyter kernels. With Seaborn installed, we can write Seaborn code in Atom and visualize the resulting plots using the interactive features provided by Hydrogen.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a lightweight and extensible text editor that supports multiple programming languages. While Sublime Text itself does not have built-in interactive features like Jupyter Notebook, it can be used for writing and executing Python code with Seaborn. We can install packages like SublimeREPL or SublimeJupyter, which provide interactive Python shells or Jupyter Notebook integration within Sublime Text. Using these packages, we can write Seaborn code and visualize the plots either inline or in separate windows.

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023


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