Unconventional Leadership: Breaking the Mold and Redefining Success in Business


Organizations always need strong leadership to influence their mission, goals, and success of the group's efforts. The most effective leaders are frequently reluctant to hold positions of power, contrary to how traditional views of leadership have frequently emphasized people with strong, charismatic personalities. These leaders excel at flawless execution, expertly handling personalities, and successfully communicating while setting an example. The strong sense of responsibility and accountability along with their lack of desire for recognition or control over their team set them apart from other employees.

In world of business, the command-and-control style of leadership dominates business. Leaders are frequently viewed as mystical unicorns who all must worship. Many individuals find it daunting to think of a leader as a "genius hero" who knows everything. It is also false. The opposite is true leadership, on the other side. The goal as a leader is to ask the correct question and encourage others to utilize their imaginations to come up with the solutions, not to have all the answers.

Any organization or group needs strong leadership to influence the mission, goals, and success of the group's efforts. The most effective leaders are frequently reluctant to hold positions of power, contrary to how traditional views of leadership have frequently emphasized people with strong, charismatic personalities. These leaders excel at flawless execution, expertly handling personalities, and successfully communicating while setting an example. Their strong sense of responsibility and accountability, as well as their lack of desire for recognition or control over their team, set them apart from their colleagues.

Human Nature To Follow The Crowd

Human nature frequently drives people to follow the crowd, which can result in deceit through bright objects, alluring marketing slogans, well-known brands, or an impressive resume. Similarly, to this, people's perceptions of leadership can be deceiving, and the most successful leaders are frequently quiet, modest people. Although not showy, this kind of leader is driven by their principles, actively supports others around them, and lacks a desire for power, which makes them highly sought after.

Need for effective leadership in the current times

Today's leaders must take a collaborative approach that puts communication, teamwork, and group decision-making first. With this strategy, leaders that emphasize intentionality, sincerity, and true caring for others are very successful. They put people first, foster self-improvement, value relationships, and avoid receiving praise. The most effective leaders understand that they are not primarily accountable for the accomplishments of their team; rather, they regard themselves as an integral part of a team effort in which each individual's participation is crucial.

Significant differences exist between authoritarian and directive and collaborative and participatory leadership styles. While traditional leadership models place a higher priority on hierarchy and control, the current trend places a higher priority on teamwork, group decision-making, and talent parity. By empowering teams and valuing individual contributions, this democratic method fosters greater innovation, engagement, and productivity.

Why Authoritative Leadership Style May Not Work?

Effective leadership involves more than just holding a position of control or power. It also involves serving the greater good and having a positive effect on those around. As the idea of leadership evolves, it is critical to keep in mind that true leadership is about serving others and serving as a role model rather than focusing on fame or power. The most effective managers give top emphasis to developing a positive workplace environment where everyone feels encouraged to contribute to the team's success.

Strategic Leadership: The New Emerging Leadership Style

With the needs of the current business scenario, a new leadership style, strategic leadership has emerged. It does not entail controlling every detail and making every choice yourself. Leadership involves fostering an atmosphere in which individuals can take initiative and make contributions to the organization's success. It is the duty of a leader to instill trust among team members and create a collaborative environment. Honesty is a vital component of strategic leadership that is frequently disregarded.

Even when it is challenging or uncomfortable to provide information, leaders should do it. Employee trust is increased as a result, and everyone makes wiser decisions as a result. Don't be scared to have those difficult discussions; your staff will value your candor and honesty. Being open to trying new things and taking calculated risks is another essential quality of strategic leaders.

Need of Valuing Emotional Intelligence of The Team For Success

To stay on top of the latest developments and adjust to changes in your sector, you must invest in ongoing learning and development. You have to establish opportunities for experience-based learning and give yourself and your team's professional development top priority. You must be bringing your entire self to work is crucial for becoming a successful strategic leader. This entails being genuine and open, as well as appreciating the value of emotional intelligence in leadership.

Respecting Individuality and Innovation

As a strategic leader, you can build a culture that respects individuality and encourages creativity and innovation by being true to who you are. You must not only focus on technical experience and skills while hiring. You must look for individuals that are flexible, creative, and prepared to take chances. The leaders here have to create a workforce that is ready to negotiate the constantly shifting landscape of your company by hiring for change. At the same time, reflection on your actions is an essential element for the success of this kind of leadership. Similarly, if one fails, the he/she must note that failure should not be seen as a punishment, but as an opportunity to learn and improve in your leadership. All of these are essentials for the success of breaking out of the mold and adopting new leadership styles.


To conclude, we can see that over time leadership styles too are undergoing a major change. So, unless one changes the leadership from the authoritarian style to strategic leadership, success may be difficult. We hope the steps mentioned here will enable you to drive the best results.

Updated on: 27-Sep-2023


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