Top skills required to become a DevOps Engineer

Many large companies and organizations use DevOps to speed up software development and increase product and service delivery times. For many successful companies, DevOps is now essential. Companies of all sizes are preparing to enter the DevOps era. DevOps is helping to eliminate barriers between IT departments by bringing together those responsible for creating and maintaining software with those responsible for running it. Unlike being a piece of hardware or software, "DevOps" is a process-oriented approach to manufacturing. For engineers to succeed in the field of DevOps, they must have a certain set of abilities. DevOps developers, taking their cues from the agile methodology, combine rapid iterative development with powerful automation tools.

DevOps emphasizes automation, mistake reduction and speeding up delivery, while agile ensures high-quality goods. The other key idea behind DevOps is the elimination of silos between the development and operations teams. This is the second guiding premise behind DevOps' explosive expansion and continued success.

Top 10 Abilities of a Successful DevOps Engineer

1. Talking to others and working together

A DevOps engineer's toolbox should include managing databases and networks in the cloud. By its very nature, DevOps competition necessitates open lines of communication and teamwork for success. They must also be familiar with cloud computing platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). These two are critical for implementing the DevOps culture across departments and breaking down the silos between the Development and Operations teams.

2. A High Level of Empathy and Good Will

DevOps requires knowledge of programming and scripting, and it is not sufficient to have expertise in coding and automation alone. DevOps requires a new one with softer skills, more drive, more adaptability, and a greater learning capacity. Programming languages such as Node.js, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Shell, Bash, and PHP should be familiar territory for DevOps developers.

3. Skill Assessment

Professionals in this field of IT should be well-versed in virtualization and have experience with testing frameworks like Puppet, Chef, and Docker. DevOps engineers need expertise in automation testing to verify that their software is free of flaws. In addition, they need to be familiar with Jenkins and Selenium integration and the execution of tests across a whole DevOps automation pipeline.

3. Knowledge of Appropriate Resources

The number of new tools introduced by DevOps is so large that it is difficult to quantify their impact. The success of implementing DevOps at various stages is wholly dependent on the toolchain that is used. Yet, the importance of achieving DevOps success needs to be explored further.

4. Knowledge of Safety and Protection

DevOps enables rapid deployment, but this comes with its own set of hazards. DevOps' strength is in its ability to integrate security into the SDLC early on before any code is written. In light of this limitation, the standard approach, which places security at the end or as a separate procedure, may not be viable.

5. Capabilities in Robotics

Every DevOps engineer needs to be proficient in automation and have the capacity to automate the entire DevOps pipeline. Being familiar with open-source automation tools like Ansible and Source Code Management (SCM) is also beneficial. It continuous delivery cycles through application performance monitoring and infrastructure and configurations.

6. Code and scripting

A DevOps engineer's toolkit should include coding and scripting expertise. The programme is always being updated and improved by the developers. The software stores the codes, combines new and old codes, handles different versions of the codes, etc. The vast amount of leeway afforded to DevOps engineers is widely regarded as a plus in the industry. DevOps engineers will inevitably utilize Linux at some time in their careers, even if not every DevOps developer uses it.

Linux's foundations are straightforward to learn, including connecting to a server, creating and editing files, and so on. Becoming an accomplished DevOps engineer, though, could take a long time. Several online training programmes exist, most notably those offered by Red Hat. While familiarity with a specific Linux distribution isn't absolutely necessary, major businesses sometimes stick with popular ones because they want to show their support.

7. In the Cloud Competence

A DevOps engineer's ability to manage and keep track of software code versions is essential. The cloud and DevOps are inseparable companions, and one affects and is affected by the other's effectiveness. Expertise in DevOps tools like GitHub and in software development best practices like continuous delivery are also crucial for DevOps specialists to have. Although the DevOps technique is the engine that propels a process forward, the cloud makes it possible to test, deploy, and release the code. DevOps engineers must be well-versed in the project management lifecycle and workflow operating systems.

8. Ability Evaluation

With continuous testing, the time between running tests and receiving results is reduced as much as possible. The success of DevOps relies heavily on testing. Effective, error-free testing is essential for a DevOps automation pipeline. Tools for automation testing, such as Selenium, TestComplete, and TestingWhiz, are used to analyze the code in the development environment, allowing for continuous testing. This is crucial for the success of automated test execution, which is used in continuous testing.

9. Concentrating on the Client

Software and operating system configurations can be tracked with the help of configuration management. It only takes one command run on the management server or a click of a button to accomplish. Any DevOps effort worth its salt will ultimately aim to increase customer happiness. The configuration management solutions connect to the target servers over the internet and remotely push the configuration changes, simplifying the process. They will need to work with others in the organization, such as developers, testers, project managers, and the company's thought leadership, to achieve their goals.

10. Initiative

A DevOps engineer's toolbox should include the ability to manage databases and networks in the cloud. DevOps engineers and professionals will benefit from a proactive attitude and a genuine interest in their work. They also need to be familiar with cloud computing platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).


DevOps was born out of the need to merge two equally important departments in any software company: development and operations. In the end, DevOps is more of a way of life than a technical fix. Hence, if you want to succeed in DevOps, you first need to know that everything you do has consequences beyond your control. Yet, adaptability to change, operational flexibility, and a blend of hard and soft skills are necessary for success on the DevOps journey, whether you're an individual professional, a corporation, or a service provider.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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