Throttling Task Submission Rate with ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore in Java


Java concurrency provides several classes and tools that allow developers to create multi-threaded applications. Among these are the ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore classes. The former is used to manage a pool of worker threads, while the latter can limit the number of threads accessing a certain resource at a given time. This article delves into throttling the task submission rate using these two Java classes. By understanding how to effectively manage threads and control their execution, you can significantly optimize your Java applications.

Understanding ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore

Before we jump into how to throttle the task submission rate, it's essential to understand ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore.


In Java, the ThreadPoolExecutor is a part of the Java Executor framework, which simplifies the execution of tasks in asynchronous mode. ThreadPoolExecutor handles a pool of worker threads, starting the tasks when threads become available. It also eliminates the overhead of thread creation and destruction by reusing threads, leading to a more efficient system.


A Semaphore is a thread synchronization construct that can control the number of threads executing a certain piece of code. It maintains a set of permits, and a thread can acquire a permit if one is available, thereby accessing the code block. If no permit is available, the thread is blocked until a permit is released.

Throttling Task Submission with ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore

Throttling the task submission rate is essential in systems where we want to limit the number of concurrent tasks being submitted to the ThreadPoolExecutor. This can prevent a sudden influx of tasks from overwhelming the system.

To achieve this, we can use a Semaphore to limit the task submission rate. Here's how you can do it −

  • Create a Semaphore − First, create a Semaphore with the maximum number of permits equal to the maximum number of tasks you wish to submit concurrently.

Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(maxTasks);
  • Submit Tasks − When submitting a task to the ThreadPoolExecutor, first acquire a permit from the Semaphore.


executor.submit(() -> {
   try {
      // Task code here
   } finally {

In this code, the acquire() method will block if there are no available permits, effectively limiting the task submission rate. Once the task is completed, the permit is released back to the Semaphore.

Advantages of Task Submission Throttling

Throttling the task submission rate offers several advantages −

  • System Stability − By limiting the number of concurrent tasks, you prevent resource exhaustion, leading to a more stable system.

  • Improved Performance − It allows for better system performance by reducing the chances of the task queue becoming a bottleneck.

  • Controlled Resource Usage − This approach helps in managing resource allocation effectively, ensuring that resources are not over-utilized by too many concurrent tasks.


Java's ThreadPoolExecutor and Semaphore provide developers with powerful tools for controlling multi-threaded execution and throttling task submission rate. By combining these tools, you can create robust applications that can handle large workloads efficiently without overwhelming system resources.

Updated on: 19-Jun-2023


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