Third Anglo-Maratha War


Third Anglo-Maratha War happened in 1817 and continued till 1819. This was the last battle between British East India and the Maratha army. This war is also termed as Pindari war as the conflict took place between British and Pindaris. Despite Marathas being more in number, the British took them to the cleaners, adding another victory to their list. The English men successfully established their political supremacy over India in the period between 1750 and 1761. The result of the third war of the Carnatic ensured the victory of the British and ended all the desire of the French force of establishing dominance.

In the meantime, the Maratha Empire was also growing and two of the Maratha leaders led it. However, the third war of the series was between the Pindaris and the British Force.

Anglo-Maratha War

Anglo-Maratha wars were a series of conflicts between the British Force and the Maratha Empire. There were four wars fought between the two major forces and they were the First war of Anglo-Maratha and the Second war of Anglo-Maratha, third war of Anglo-Maratha and the Gwalior campaign.

However, the first three were considered the main wars of Maratha. As the British won the war, it destroyed the political union between the strong force of the Marathas.

Image 1: The Third Anglo-Maratha War Map

Third Anglo-Maratha War

The third war of the Anglo-Maratha war is also referred to as the Pindari war and it consisted of the Sitabaldi's battle, the Mahidpur's battle and lastly the Khadki's battle. The battle was fought between mainly the Pindris and the British force, who started the war to take over the Political control of India.

The Pindaris had a division of many classes and castes and they served as mercenaries under the Maratha, however, when the Maratha Force became weak, they started attacking the British territory. The British government blamed the Marathas for the rise of Pindaris.

The Pindaris included a major section of the Hindus, Muslims, and Afghans and that were called the Mughal Empire’s debris. The war started in 1817 and ended in 1818.

The combined effort of the total Maratha Empire was not enough to fight the war against the British. Because of the war, the total Maratha Empire was divided. It worked as a golden chance for the British.

Image 2: Facts about Third Anglo-Maratha War

Background of the War

Three wars were fought between the Maratha and the British and they were referred to as the Great wars of Maratha. These wars were fought covering three decades. The third war of the series was mainly between the Pindaris and the British.

The British force suspected that the Marathas are behind the Pindaris and those mercenaries were fighting for the need of Maratha Empire. They even accused Peshwa Baji Rao of maladministration. They started interfering in the internal matters of the Empire of Maratha. As the true intention of the British came clear to the Marathas, they started fighting back to gain their freedom. On the other side, the British posted a large number of military troops to control the activities of the Pindaris.

Course of the War

The course of the third war between the Anglo-Maratha were as mentioned below.

  • This war was an attempt by Marathas to take back their old prestige

  • Marathas were ready to take back all their possessions which were under the control of the British

  • They wanted an end to the interference of the British in their internal matters

  • The main cause behind the war was the conflict between the Pindaris and the British force.

  • The Marathas made a united force with the help of Peshwa Bajirao II, Holkar and Bhonsle.

  • However, one of the most crucial parts of the Maratha Empire, Daulat Rao Shinde was forced by the British to stay out of the situation.

  • And the war was won by the British in a matter of no time.

Results of the Third Anglo-Maratha War

The war left a major impact on the Maratha Empire.

  • A treaty was signed between Shinde and the British, which stated that he would give up on Rajasthan. It was known as the Treaty of Gwalior

  • Another treaty was signed between the Holkar and the British, which was known as the Treaty of Mandasor.

  • The Peshwa was dethroned after he surrendered in the year 1818.

  • The British won the major war.

  • The British took over control of the major parts of India.

  • The territory of the Pindaris became the Central province.


The third war, which was between the Anglo and Maratha, was considered crucial because it gave more power to the British force. The force of the Maratha was defeated in the battle because of the lack of unity. They did not have any kind of good relationship with the other ruling parties or the princes. However, the most important reason was that the Marathas failed to understand the political strength of the British force and they were unaware of the diplomatic strengths.


Q1.Who fought the first war of Mysore?

Ans.The first war of the Mysore was fought between the British force and the Mysore. It was also referred to as the Angle Mysore war. At the end of the first war, the British lost the battle to Hyder Ali.

Q2.Who won the first war of the Carnatic?

Ans.The first war of the Carnatic was fought between the British force and the French force. It also involved the Nawab of Carnatic, Anwaruddin Khan. However, the result of the war was inconclusive which led to the second war.

Q3.What was the result of the 1st battle of Panipat?

Ans.Babur, the ruler of Kabulistan won the first battle of the Panipat. It was fought between Babur and the sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi. The strong force of the Mughals defeated a comparatively larger army of Lodi.

Q4.What was the importance of the third war between the anglo and Maratha?

Ans.The third war of the Anglo-Maratha was considered important because it gave the major control of India to the British.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2024


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