The Hiring of Employees through Social Media

Social media is no longer the platform through which you can just connect with your friends and have a great time. It is a platform through which you can connect with the youth of the world. It is a platform that can help you address major of your life problems. If you want to exchange your things, if you want to go on vacation, if you want to sell your products or services to end consumers, if you want to advertise your products, if you want to gather data or information, or if you just want to do anything under the sun, social media is your answer. Around 56% of the world is on social media. Then why not hire the talent?

The Hiring of Individuals by the Company

The hiring of the right talent has always been a major issue for the company. It is difficult to gather the right skill set, budget, availability of the candidates, geographical location, education, and work preference all at once. Getting the right person for the right job at the right time is very difficult. Social media helps the company solve this issue.

By "social media," we refer to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and others. The major aim of these platforms is to connect with different individuals. These are the major trending applications in India today.

Let's dive deep into how companies can hire talent from these social media platforms and the benefits of such hiring.

All the major companies today have an account or page in trending applications. These pages help the community at large understand the company, the work life of its employees, and the company's unique selling proposition. Companies do not have to do a lot; they can just post the job opening with the job description and the contact details of the recruiter, and the candidates can directly connect with the recruiter.

  • Mass Audience Available − Anyone who follows the company's social media is interested in the company. They are genuine candidates who know about the company's vision and aims. Hiring these individuals will ensure that companies have a loyal workforce. With social media, companies can easily target most of the population at zero cost. The companies now have a mass audience available that is both socially active and technologically advanced.

  • The Cost of Recruitment Reduces − With social media job posts, companies save a lot of money. In earlier times, the company used to bear the cost of

    • Advertise the job openings on different channels like newspapers, television, magazines, and others

    • Commission charged by the recruitment agencies for sending the potential candidates up for the job

    • The cost of conducting the preliminary interviews in terms of time and money

  • Employment Brand − With companies posting on social media regarding their engagement activities, their customer and employee testimonials, and comments by other employees, applicants can easily build a view regarding the company. They are familiar with the company's culture even before joining the organization. This helps them make the right choice and saves the company time and money by providing them with the right fit.

  • Reach out to Passive Candidates − Not everyone on social media is looking for a job change. With social media, the company can, in a subtle manner, reach out to passive candidates as well. Sharing the job description for reference or a quick call over coffee can help them understand the passive candidate, and they might as well see how well the job fits them.

  • It Helps in Learning the Background of the Candidate − With LinkedIn and Facebook, recruiters can easily understand the applicants. Their activity on social media tells a lot about them and their personalities. Recruiters can use their interests to form bonds with them or to aid them in making selection or rejection decisions.

  • Get Better Quality Candidates − Instead of headhunting on job portals, firms can easily get good talent on social media platforms. A major problem with Naukri today is the quality of the candidates. The candidates are unresponsive and have a very casual attitude, but we see a change when we are hiring from LinkedIn. candidates that are professional and active.

What new are these Companies Doing for Social Media Hiring?

  • The companies post engaging videos of their employees on the company page at least once daily.

  • The organization's employees are only actively interacting with applicants and customers.

  • The companies are flaunting their diverse work cultures to attract employees irrespective of geographical location, time zone, caste, color, ethnicity, race, and others.

  • The companies are using various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, and others to target their audience and promote their products.

Points to Consider while Choosing Channels for Social media Recruitment

Not all channels will be useful to the companies. The choice of the channel will differ from company to company and depending on the applicant's designation. Let's go over some of these factors for optimal channel selection.

  • Snapchat − If the companies are seeking outgoing individuals who are between the age groups of 18 and 34 but generally below 25, Snapchat users are mostly college-going students or fresh graduates looking to kick-start their careers. These people are highly active on their phones and are good with technology as well.

  • LinkedIn − Here, we generally see applicants who are serious and ambitious. Here the population is generally 20+. It is very easy to get senior people onto LinkedIn. More than that, we see that the candidates here are generally reliable and have working experience or a higher level of education.

  • Instagram − This is a great platform to find influencers and marketing experts. We see individuals mostly between the ages of 16 and 35. It is more useful for companies that are seeking content creators because they can see their work samples and their popularity among the public.

  • Facebook − Facebook is widely used by individuals between 16 and 60. A large variety of individuals will be available on this application.

Some of the Classic Examples of Social Media Hiring

  • Snaplications by MacDonalds − MacDonalds wanted to attract the youth of the nation. It was becoming tedious to go through the resumes and select. The creative approach that it took was to ask the candidates to send 30-second video resumes to the recruiters. This helped the recruiter gauge the primary skills needed (like communication skills, presentation skills, influential power, and tone of communication), and Macdonald joined hands with Snapchat to make its virtual interview drive a success.

  • Zappos and Various Platforms − Zappos wanted to demonstrate to the community and job seekers that it is a fun place to work. They wanted to target the youth, so they enhanced their presence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. In the videos, they show what a cool company Zappos is to work for and how the employees are engaged and happy. It also started an internship program on Instagram, providing updates on social media.

Social media recruitment is not the beta test or the trending activity. It is now the need of the hour. COVID-19 has ensured that working from home and digital hiring is possible. A large chunk of the population is available on these platforms and is using them continuously. Companies can use these platforms to find the best talent at a low cost. A job post can go viral in seconds, and it is now the onus of companies to design their own creative job posts and build their own employment brand.

Updated on: 17-Jan-2023


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