Technical SEO For SaaS Companies: Tips And Best Practices

Several SaaS businesses place little emphasis on technical SEO. Most businesses instead prioritize tactical SEO strategies like content production and link building. Nevertheless, you won't see any results from your SEO work until the technical SEO is in order.

At the outset of every SEO effort, focusing on technical SEO should be a top priority. It's the bedrock upon which everything else rests; get it wrong, and no one will ever see your fantastic writing. The issue is that many SaaS businesses reactively handle technical SEO.

Analytics on their traffic flow often reveal problems only after they have been ignored for some time. Moreover, after a thorough SEO assessment, they concentrate on addressing the issues that contribute little to their rankings.

What Does "Technical SEO" Entail?

Technical search engine optimization, or SEO, is concerned with enhancing the backend of a website to make it more compatible with search engines' stringent technical standards. Putting time and effort into SaaS technical SEO has as its major goal the improvement of organic search engine results via the prioritization of technical search components such as crawling, indexing, rendering, and website architecture.

When companies skimp on technical SEO, their online visibility inevitably suffers. Google and other search engines use bots to explore the web and rate pages based on several criteria. Search engines won't index important pages on your site if they can't crawl them.

Technical SEO For SaaS Companies: Tips And Best Practices

Doing a technical SEO audit is the first step in fixing SEO issues and developing a better plan. Without one, your SEO efforts may go unnoticed, surprising you with the lack of results.

A technical SEO audit requires either an in-house SEO professional or hiring a third-party consultant. Whichever path you choose, use this checklist to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Make Sure There Aren't Any Duplicates

Website traffic and search engine rankings might be hit if duplicate material exists. Duplicate material, or "appreciably similar" information as Google puts it, is a problem for search engines since they don't know how to handle it.

  • Which one should the search engines use to index pages?

  • To which version of the page (or all pages) should they send the link metrics?

  • Which one of these versions do you think search engines should prioritize?

Because of this uncertainty, your rating will drop. Also, content duplication indicates carelessness in content planning. Don't think that SEO begins and ends with keywords, URLs, and meta titles. It's an indicator of your worth to your audience, and people don't gain anything by reading stuff already published elsewhere.

Unreachable Files And Invalid Internal Links

Nothing is more annoying than finally finding the page you need just to discover that it doesn't work. Not only can 404 pages make for an unpleasant user experience, but they are also frowned upon by Google. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that a 404 page indicates that there are likely broken internal links on your site that lead to this missing page.

The good news is that you can fix your 404-page issue simultaneously as you fix your broken internal links. While working to improve your site's technical SEO, this is likely the most pressing issue you'll face. The user experience is enhanced, and SEO value is distributed fairly throughout the domain when links are not interrupted.

No successful SaaS SEO strategy can be considered complete until all 404s on the website have been removed.

Meta Description And Title Tag Duplication

The title tag and meta description are two pieces of information that should be included on every web page to better describe its content to search engines and users. These two fields are prime real estate, including a search engine optimization (SEO) target term.

Programmers may reuse code from previously created pages to speed up the design process. Yet, many web admins oversee not updating the duplicate page's title tag and meta description. This results in several pages with the same title and meta description, which is incredibly confusing to humans and search engines.

Every page on your site may be optimized for a different set of keywords. Use them in your SaaS's title tags and meta descriptions to boost your search engine rankings.

Locate Articles Without Canonical Tags

By designating one URL as a canonical page version, you may prevent search engine spiders from indexing several versions of the same page. Canonical tags are an excellent way to help prevent the issue of duplicating content, but they may also be misused. There are a few aspects of canonical tags that should be checked during the page audit −

  • Incorrect tags employed − bugs in the code may necessitate using a different canonical tag for each URL, defeating the purpose of using such a tag.

  • Inconsistent messages; if you link to page B from page A, don't link to page B from page A. Imagine how a bot 'feels' as it tries to crawl all of those pages.

  • You may use canonical tags for near-duplicates, which are almost identical pages, but for one little detail, such as the currency in which the product is listed.

Be wary about utilizing the canonical since doing so would prevent the other URLs from being indexed and, therefore, from appearing in search engine results.

Canonical tags should be checked regularly to ensure they are helping rather than hurting your SEO efforts.

Don't Create a Series of 301 Redirects

By using 301 redirects, you can eliminate those unsightly 404 errors and ensure that all the "link juice" is being sent to the appropriate sites.

Yet there are risks involved with using them. Suppose you've been operating your website for a while and have accumulated a lot of old, inaccurate material. In that case, it's simple to inadvertently set up a 301 chain, where one 301 leads to another 301 Check your site's 301 redirects once a year to break up any chains that may have been created.


A home cannot be constructed without a solid base. In the same way, if you haven't laid the groundwork for your site, you shouldn't expect to see great results in the search engines. There are several reasons why technical SEO is so crucial to a successful SEO campaign.

The reality is that technical SEO is often disregarded, despite its importance to your company's long-term performance in search engine rankings. Make sure you don't disregard it!

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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