Switching Off Unnecessary Lights and Fans and Repairing Leaking Taps Correctly Defines Which Term of 5R? (A) Recycle (B) Reuse(C) Repurpose (D) Reduce


The world is moving towards sustainable living, and it has become crucial to practice eco-friendliness in our day-to-day life. Switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps are two of the most basic things we can do to contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. Not only do these actions help conserve energy and water, but they also save money on utility bills.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps, as well as the benefits of doing so. We will also explain how these actions are related to the 5R's of sustainability and how we can implement them in our daily routine.

Importance of Switching Off Unnecessary Lights and Fans

Switching off unnecessary lights and fans is one of the easiest ways to save electricity and reduce energy consumption. We often tend to leave lights and fans on even when we are not in the room or not using them. This not only leads to unnecessary wastage of electricity but also adds to our utility bills. By switching off unnecessary lights and fans, we can save a considerable amount of energy and money.

Moreover, electricity generation requires the burning of fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, leading to climate change. By reducing energy consumption, we can decrease our carbon footprint, and contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Importance of Repairing Leaking Taps

Leaking taps can lead to an enormous amount of water wastage. A single leaking tap can waste up to 20 litters of water per day, which adds up to a significant amount over time. Repairing leaking taps not only helps in conserving water but also saves money on utility bills.

Furthermore, water scarcity is a growing concern globally, and many regions face severe water shortages. By repairing leaking taps, we can reduce our water footprint and contribute to conserving this precious resource.

Related to the 5R's of Sustainability

The 5R's of sustainability are Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, Reduce, and Refuse. Switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps fall under the Reduce category.

Reduce refers to minimizing the use of resources, including energy and water, to decrease waste generation. By switching off unnecessary lights and fans, we reduce the amount of energy consumed, while repairing leaking taps helps reduce water wastage.

Implementing in Daily Routine

Switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps are simple actions that we can implement in our daily routine. Here are a few tips to help make these actions a habit:

Turn Off Lights and Fans When Not in Use − It may seem like a small thing, but making it a habit to switch off lights and fans when leaving the room can help reduce energy consumption significantly.

Repair Leaking Taps − Leaking taps can be fixed easily with the help of a plumber or by replacing the washers. Make sure to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent water wastage.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances − Investing in energy-efficient appliances such as LED bulbs and energy-saving fans can help reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills.

Make It a Family Effort − Encourage family members to be mindful of energy and water usage and make it a joint effort to reduce consumption.


Switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps are simple actions that can make a significant difference in conserving energy and water. These actions not only contribute to a sustainable lifestyle but also help save money on utility bills.

By implementing these actions in our daily routine, we can make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a better future. Remember, every little action counts, and together we can make a significant difference in promoting sustainability

Updated on: 03-May-2023


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