Sulfur Hexafluoride


“Sulfur hexafluoride” is a very powerful greenhouse gas that has been discovered by scientists. The precedence of expression of “sulfur hexafluoride” is professional. This inorganic gaseous agent remains in the extreme lower part of the “atmosphere”, because “sulfur hexafluoride” is such a thick gas. This gas is also known as the “most stable gas” among other gases. This gaseous agent holds “six fluorine atoms bound with one sulfur atom”. It is an “inorganic gaseous agent” with useful “imaging-based potential activity”.

What is Sulfur Hexafluoride?

“Sulfur hexafluoride” forms its bound with “six fluorine atoms and one sulfur atom”. The composition of “sulfur hexafluoride $\mathrm{(SF_{6})}$” is “$\mathrm{sp^{3}d^{2}}$ type. In one word “sulfur hexafluoride” is a “greenhouse gas”. This gas is, “non-inflammable, non-toxic”, and has no smell and colour. It is also a “non-polar” gas. This gas is very thick and this ‘inorganic gas” is on respiration is spread through the lungs. Generally “sulfur hexafluoride” can be formed by leaving or attaching “S8 with F2”. Upon the following imaging by “ultrasound technology, the lung vasculature” can be shown. During the composition of “sulfur hexafluoride”, the “sulfur atom” that remains in the “central atom” in its “land state” will have “3s23p4” configuration.

Sulfur Hexafluoride structure

“Sulfur hexafluoride” is an “inorganic gas” and its composition is “sp3d2 type. This gas forms its bound with “six fluorine atoms and one sulfur atom”. Generally “sulfur hexafluoride” can be formed by leaving or attaching “S8 with F2”. The “molecular” formula of “sulfur hexafluoride” is $\mathrm{SF_{6}}$. “$\mathrm{SF_{6}}$ molecular geometry” will be “octahedral” because “sulfur hexafluoride” has a “central sulfur atom” about which”12 electrons or 6 electrons pair” are present. The “F-S-F” bonds are placed to be “at 90 degrees”.

Figure 1 − Structure of sulfur hexafluoride

Properties of Sulfur Hexafluoride

“Sulfur hexafluoride” is a “non-toxic, non-inflammable” gas, which has no colour, taste, or smell. Its properties are:


The other name of “sulfur hexafluoride” is “hexafluoro-λ6-sulfane”. The density of this gas is 6.17 kg/m3. The “molecular weight or molecular mass” of “sulfur hexafluoride” is almost 146.06 g/mol (Ck12, 2022). The boiling point of this gas is at -50.8 and the melting point of this gas is almost at -64. “SF6” is the chemical formula of “sulfur hexafluoride”.


The “atomic number” of “sulfur” is 16. The “sulfur atom” has an “electronic” figure of 2, 8, 6, that is: “1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P4”. “Fluorine” has the “electrical” figure “1S2 2S2 2P5. Each “sulfur atom” produces a “covalent link” with “six fluorine atoms” in “sulfur hexafluoride” molecule. Every “sulfur atom” takes a number of six “covalent bonds”. When “sulfur hexafluoride” melts in water, “sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfide” are produced. The “chemical formula” of this reaction is −


When “sulfur hexafluoride” reacts with a “base” like “sodium sulfate, sodium hydroxide, sodium fluoride, and water” are produced. The chemical formula of this reaction is −


Major application areas of Sulfur Hexafluoride

Figure 2 − Interrupter unit of SF6 circuit breaker

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, public domain, via Wikimedia commons

“Sulfur hexafluoride” is tremendous for “high voltage application”, because this gas is “dielectric”. This gas is assembled by nature and remains always in a “gaseous state” even at low temperatures. Again, this gas is non-corrosive, non-toxic, and non-combustible. One can get various advantages with “thermal, chemical, or electrical properties”. The “dielectric strength” of this gas is excellent and the “dielectric strength” stands similar from “a little Hz to the various GHz”. “Sulfur hexafluoride” is massively used in “diverse application” of both “electronic and non-electronic”. This gas is conducted as a “protective gas mixture” in “magnesium casting” to prevail the production of spare things by the products.

Sulfur Hexafluoride uses

“Sulfur hexafluoride” is an “inorganic gas” that is harmless and massively conducted as a “taste gas” in “respiratory physiology”. The gas is very useful for “high voltage cables, high voltage circuit breakers, transducers, transformers, X-ray machines, electron accelerators”. This gas uses for making “switchgear” that creates “high and moderate voltage”. The “Navy” conducts “sulfur hexafluoride” for “shipboard radar, torpedo propulsion systems and undersea warfare acoustic countermeasures”. The main insulation for “high voltage coaxial lines” that may transit “electricity” above ground, underwater, or underground is “sulfur hexafluoride”.


“Vapour pressure” compels the gas to liquefy when “Sulfur hexafluoride” is replaced in another position. One may feel frostbite when one touches this gas. If the gas remains in fire or high temperature, for a long time it may burst into the container with a huge sound. The probable lifetime of “sulfur hexafluoride” is for “800-3000” years. The stability of “sulfur hexafluoride” has a “two-year shelf life” under definite conditions. This gas is an “underactive chemical” that is not affected by the “acids, bases, or water”. The gas is also not affected by “carbon, copper, or magnesium” at high temperatures. The gas reacts with “hydrogen or sulfur vapor” at “400-degree Celsius”. The “SF6 mixing ratio” is almost “4 parts per trillion (ppt) in “1990”, and CO2 had a “mixing ratio” of “365 parts per trillion”. So the “SF6 mixing ratio” is much lower than the “mixing ratio of carbon dioxide”.


1. Where can “sulfur hexafluoride” be found?

“Sulfur hexafluoride” usually arrives as a “man-made industrial gas”, on earth. It is the gas which occurs and is created, generally revealing the fact that “S8 toF2” gives “SF6".

2. Why is “sulfur hexafluoride” gas such a “dielectric medium”?

The power to gain free “electrons” is called “electro negativity” and “fluorine” is such an excellent “electronegative element” on earth. Six “fluorine atoms” in “sulfur hexafluoride” are efficient for release from “sulfur”. The “high dielectric strength” and “electro negativity” helps in creating the gas as a “preferred insulating gas” in the creation of “power T&D equipment”.

3. How much is “sulfur hexafluoride” harmful to the environment?

“Sulfur hexafluoride” causes “global warming”. The amount of this gas is continuously increasing on earth. During the reaction, the gas putrefies under “electrical stress” and releases dangerous “bi-products”, causing a terrific health risk.

Updated on: 12-Mar-2024


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