Status Code 400 in Web


Status codes are an integral part of web development. Whenever a user requests a webpage, the server responds with a status code to indicate the success or failure of the request.

One such status code is 400 − Bad Request. It is essential for developers and webmasters to have a clear understanding of this error code as it can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings.

Overview of HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes are a vital part of the internet, providing feedback to users and developers on the status of web pages and applications. These three−digit codes are grouped into five categories, including informational responses (100−199), successful responses (200−299), redirections (300− 399), client errors (400−499), and server errors (500−599).

Explanation of HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes are a three−digit number that indicates the status of a web page. The first digit represents the category of response, while the last two digits indicate the specific code within that category. For example, 404 is a client error code indicating that the requested page could not be found.

Commonly used HTTP status codes

Some common HTTP status codes include:

  • 200 OK: Indicates that a request was successful

  • 301 Moved Permanently: Indicates that a web page has permanently moved to a new URL

  • 404 Not Found: Indicates that requested content could not be found

  • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates an error occurred on the server side

It's important to note that these are just some examples and there are many more HTTP status codes in use.

The Role of Status Codes in Web Development

Status codes play an essential role in web development by providing feedback to developers as well as users. A user may see an error message when they receive a client−side error such as a 404 or 400 error code. In contrast, developers use these codes to troubleshoot issues with their webpages or applications.

By viewing which HTTP statuses their pages return for different requests, they can fix any issues and ensure optimal user experience. Additionally, search engines may use certain HTTP statuses like redirects or Page Not Found statuses when crawling websites to determine how they should be ranked in search results.

Understanding Status Code 400

When working with web development, it's essential to understand error codes that may arise. One of the most common HTTP status codes is Status Code 400, which indicates a bad request. The server receives the request but cannot process it because of an error in the incoming request.

Explanation of Status Code 400

Status Code 400 signifies that something is wrong with the user's input or request syntax. This status code indicates that the server cannot understand or process the user's request due to an error in one or more fields or parameters.

Reasons for Receiving a Status Code 400

There are several reasons why a user may receive a Status Code 400 error message when accessing a website or application. One reason could be due to incorrect syntax in HTML forms where users fill out information.

Incomplete fields, incorrect data types, and invalid values can all lead to this type of error message. Another reason could be due to outdated links leading users to pages that no longer exist on the website or have been moved elsewhere.

Impact on User Experience

The impact on user experience can be significant when encountering Status Code 400 errors while browsing websites or using applications. It can lead to frustration and confusion among users who may not know why they received an error message or how to resolve it.

For businesses and website owners, encountering frequent Status Code 400 errors can harm their reputation and affect their search engine rankings negatively. Therefore, it's important for developers and webmasters always to monitor and fix any issues that arise promptly.

Types of Status Code 400 Errors

Client−side errors

Client−side errors are the most common type of Status Code 400 errors. These occur when the client, usually a web browser, sends an invalid request to the server. This can be due to various reasons such as incorrect input data, incorrect URL structure, or missing authentication credentials.

One example of a client−side error is when a user tries to access a web page with an incorrect URL. In this case, the server cannot identify the requested resource and returns a Status Code 400 error.

Server−side errors

Server−side errors occur when there is an issue on the server side that prevents it from fulfilling a valid request from the client. This can happen due to server misconfiguration issues or software bugs in custom−built applications running on the server.

Server−side errors can be more challenging to troubleshoot because they require advanced knowledge of server and application development concepts. An example of a server−side error is when there is an issue with database connectivity that prevents data retrieval.

Examples and Explanations

One common example of Status Code 400 error that occurs on e−commerce websites is when users enter invalid credit card information during checkout. Another example could be entering incorrect login credentials for accessing protected content on a website.

Both examples result in client−side errors because there is an issue with user input validation. On the other hand, suppose multiple users try to access a page simultaneously that has not been optimized for concurrent requests; in that case, it may result in overloading of server resources and lead to server−based errors such as exceeding maximum connection limits or resource exhaustion issues.

How to Fix a Status Code 400 Error

Troubleshooting Techniques for Client−Side Errors

When encountering a Status Code 400 error, it is important to first identify whether the issue is originating from the client or server side. If the problem is on the client side, there are several steps that can be taken to resolve it.

One common issue is incorrect input in form fields, leading to invalid requests being sent to the server. To resolve this, ensure that all fields are filled out correctly and follow any specific formatting requirements.

Another possible cause of client−side errors could be outdated browser cache or cookies being stored in the browser. Clearing out browser cache and cookies can often resolve these issues.

Troubleshooting Techniques for Server−Side Errors

If the problem persists despite verifying that there are no issues with input fields and clearing out browser cache and cookies, then it could be a server−side error causing the Status Code 400 error message. There could be several reasons for this such as incorrectly formatted data being sent by clients or a malfunctioning API endpoint at your end or third−party service's end. In such cases, it can help to check server logs or monitor network traffic with tools like Wireshark to diagnose where exactly things go wrong.

Examples and explanations

One common example of a server−side error resulting in a Status Code 400 message is when users attempt to access pages that no longer exist on your website but still exist in their bookmark history or search engine result links (404 errors). Another example might be when you submit form data without correct authentication credentials (401 errors).


Understanding Status Code 400 is crucial for web developers to ensure that their websites run smoothly. This error code can have a significant impact on user experience and can lead to frustration or even loss of business. Resolving client−side errors can typically be done through troubleshooting techniques, while server−side errors may require the attention of a professional developer.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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