Split a string in equal parts (grouper in Python)

In this tutorial, we are going to write a program that splits the given string into equal parts. Let's see an example.


string = 'Tutorialspoint' each_part_length = 5


Tutor ialsp ointX


string = 'Tutorialspoint' each_part_length = 6


Tutori alspoi ntXXXX

We are going to use the zip_longest method from the itertools module to achieve the result.

The method zip_longest takes iterators as argument. We can also pass the fillvalue for partitioning the string. It will return list of tuples that contains characters of equal number.

The zip_longest return a tuple on each iteration until the longest iterator in the given in exhausted. And the tuple contains given length of characters from the iterators.


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# importing itertool module
import itertools
# initializing the string and length
string = 'Tutorialspoint'
each_part_length = 5
# storing n iterators for our need
iterator = [iter(string)] * each_part_length
# using zip_longest for dividing
result = list(itertools.zip_longest(*iterator, fillvalue='X'))
# converting the list of tuples to string
# and printing it
print(' '.join([''.join(item) for item in result]))


If you run the above code, then you will get the following result.

Tutor ialsp ointX


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# importing itertool module
import itertools
# initializing the string and length
string = 'Tutorialspoint'
each_part_length = 6
# storing n iterators for our need
iterator = [iter(string)] * each_part_length
# using zip_longest for dividing
result = list(itertools.zip_longest(*iterator, fillvalue='X'))
# converting the list of tuples to string
# and printing it
print(' '.join([''.join(item) for item in result]))


If you run the above code, then you will get the following result.

Tutori alspoi ntXXXX


If you have doubts in the tutorial, mention them in the comment section.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2020


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