Scala vs Java

Scala and Java are two of the most widely used high-level programming languages in the world of today's computer programming. Scala was developed specifically to address a number of Java's limitations. In particular, it is intended to be as condensed and terse as possible, with the goal of reducing the amount of code that the programmer is required to produce.

Java and Scala have their own specialised fields and domains of application. Go through this article to find out the primary characteristics of these two high-level programming languages and how they are different from each other.

What is Scala?

Scala is a computer language that is statically typed and combines both functional and object-oriented programming into its structure. Its primary objective is to build software for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) platform, but it is also capable of being used to write software for other systems. It consists of native platforms that use the Scala-Native library and JavaScript runtimes that are accessed through Scala.

Features of Scala

Some of the prominent features of Scala are as follows −

  • Object-oriented, but in addition to that, Scala is a functional programming language.

  • It is a language that is not only powerful but also capable of expanding rapidly in response to the needs of its users.

  • Code written in Java can be run using Scala.

  • Scala makes use of static typing.

Benefits of Using Scala

Developers can draw the following benefits by using Scala −

  • Object-oriented programmers will find it simple to pick up the Scala language (Java developers). In recent years, it has risen to become one of the most widely spoken languages.

  • Users get access to first-class functions when working with Scala.

  • Scala code can be run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making it possible for it to interact with code written in other languages.

  • It is intended to be used with message-driven applications that may run concurrently, are distributed, and are resilient. It is one of the languages that has the highest level of difficulty in this decade.

  • It is a language that is not only powerful but also capable of expanding rapidly in response to the needs of its users.

  • Because it is object-oriented and includes a number of functional programming features, it offers a great deal of flexibility to the developers, allowing them to code in whatever manner best suits their needs.

  • Scala provides a wide variety of duck types.

  • If you're coming from Java, you'll find it contains less repetitive code.

  • Both the Lift and Play frameworks, which are developed in Scala, are now on an upward trend.

Drawbacks of Scala

Here are some of the drawbacks of using Scala −

  • Scala has an extremely underdeveloped community presence.

  • It is not the language that can be modified easily.

  • Provides just a very limited amount of compatibility with older devices.

What is Java?

Java is a programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems. It is a platform-independent, object-oriented, and network-centric language. The Java programming language and computing platform are both used for the development of software applications. It was initially made available by Sun Microsystem in the year 1995, and Oracle Corporation went on to purchase it.

Features of Java

Following are the prominent features of Java −

  • You only need to write the code once for it to work on practically any computer platform.

  • It is intended to be used in the construction of object-oriented applications.

  • Extremely Durable and Exceptionally Safe

  • It is a language that can run several threads simultaneously and has automatic memory management.

  • Boosts decentralised computing by virtue of its network-centric design.

Benefits of Using Java

Developers can draw the following benefits by using Java −

  • A huge pool of talented programmers is available.

  • Detailed documentation is available.

  • Provides the ability to construct standard programmes and code that may be reused.

  • It is a multi-threaded environment, which gives you the ability to carry out a number of different tasks in a programme at the same time.

  • Excellent performance.

  • Massive selection of libraries belonging to third parties.

  • Provides libraries that are simple to navigate.

Drawbacks of Java

Following are some of the drawbacks of using Java −

  • The JIT compiler contributes to the overall slowness of the programme.

  • Java has demanding needs for both memory and processing power. As a result, the cost of the hardware rises.

  • No assistance for low-level programming constructs such as pointers is provided

  • Because Java does not include functions such as "delete" and "free", you do not have any influence over the garbage collection process.

Difference between Scala and Java

The following table highlights the major differences between Scala and Java −

Basis of Comparison
Designed for
It is planned and developed to be a language that is functionally focused as well as object oriented.
It is compatible with a wide range of functional programming characteristics, including concurrency and immutability, amongst others.
Initially designed as an object-oriented language, but in more recent times it has begun providing functional programming capabilities.
A functional programming language is superior than this one in terms of power.
Lazy evaluation support
Scala allows slow evaluation.
Java does not support lazy evaluation.
Code style
The code is written in a more compact style when using Scala.
Java uses a lengthy form for its code.
Type of variables
Immutable types are used by default for variables in Scala.
Java variables are mutable by default.
Static Keyword
The static keyword does not exist in Scala.
Java includes the static keyword.
Source Code
The compilation of source code into bytecode is a timeconsuming process.
The compilation of source code into bytecode is a quick process.
Calling Method
Method calls are used to perform all operations on entities in Scala.
Operators are handled uniquely in Java, and calling a method is not equivalent to using an operator.
Operator overloading
Scala allows for operator overloading.
Operator overloading is not supported in Java.


Scala and Java are two of the most well-known high-level programming languages. In this article, we compared the different features of these two programming languages that makes them unique and distinct from one another. Also, we highlighted some of the benefits and drawbacks associated with using Scala and Java.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2022


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