Save Modifications In-Place with AWK


The awk command is a versatile tool used in Unix and Linux environments for text processing and manipulation. One of its key features is ability to modify files in-place, which is particularly useful when working with large datasets. In this article, we will explore how to save modifications in-place with awk, including examples and subheadings to aid understanding.

Understanding Awk

Before we delve into how to save modifications in-place with awk, it's important to understand what awk is and how it works. Awk is a programming language designed for processing text files, with primary focus on processing rows of data. It is often used for manipulating CSV files, log files, and other similar formats.

The core of an awk script is pattern-action pair, which is executed for each row of input. pattern is a condition that must be met for action to be executed, and action is set of commands that are executed when pattern is matched. Awk is known for its powerful regular expression support, which makes it a versatile tool for data processing.

How to Save Modifications In-Place with Awk

The ability to modify files in-place is one of awk's most useful features. When you modify a file in-place, original file is replaced with modified version, rather than creating a new file. This is particularly useful when working with large files, as it avoids need to create temporary files, which can be time-consuming and use up disk space.

To save modifications in-place with awk, you can use -i option. This option tells awk to modify file in-place, rather than writing output to standard output (stdout). syntax for using -i option is as follows −

awk -i inplace 'pattern {action}' file.txt

The pattern and action are same as those used in a regular awk script, with addition of -i option. When awk is executed with -i option, it first reads entire file into memory, makes necessary modifications, and then writes modified file back to disk. This means that if there is an error during processing, original file will not be modified.

Example 1: Replacing Text in a File

Let's say we have a file called file.txt that contains following text −

Hello world!

We want to replace word "world" with "there". We can do this using following awk command −

awk -i inplace '{sub(/world/, "there")} 1' file.txt

The sub() function is used to replace text "world" with "there". 1 at end of command tells awk to print each row of modified file to stdout. If we open file, we will see that original file has been modified and now contains following text −

Hello there!

Example 2: Adding a Prefix to Each Row

Let's say we have a CSV file called data.csv that contains following data −


We want to add a prefix "Mr." to first name of each row. We can do this using following awk command −

awk -i inplace -F, '{$1="Mr. " $1} 1' data.csv

The -F option is used to specify field separator as a comma. '{$1="Mr. " $1}' action is used to add prefix "Mr." to first field of each row. If we open file, we will see that original file has been modified and now contains following data −

Mr. John,Doe

Additional Tips for Using Awk

Here are a few more tips for using awk to save modifications in-place −

  • Back up your files before making any modifications − When modifying files in-place, there is a risk of accidentally overwriting original file with incorrect data. To avoid this, it's a good idea to make a backup of file before making any modifications.

  • Use a regular expression to match patterns − Awk's regular expression support is one of its most powerful features. You can use regular expressions to match patterns in text files, which can be very useful for complex text processing tasks

  • Use -v option to pass variables to your awk script − If you need to pass variables to your awk script, you can use -v option. This allows you to set variables from command line, which can be useful for dynamic processing tasks.

  • Use NR variable to access row number − NR variable in awk stores current row number being processed. You can use this variable in your action commands to perform row-specific processing.

  • Test your scripts on small files before running them on larger files − When working with large files, it's a good idea to test your scripts on smaller files first. This will allow you to identify any issues and optimize your script before running it on a larger dataset.


In this article, we have explored how to save modifications in-place with awk, which is a powerful tool for text processing and manipulation. We have covered basics of awk, including pattern-action pairs, and explained how -i option can be used to modify files in-place. We have also provided two examples of how to use awk to modify text files and CSV files.

Overall, awk is a powerful and flexible tool for text processing, and ability to modify files in-place makes it even more useful for working with large datasets. With examples and subheadings provided in this article, you should be able to use awk to save modifications in-place in your own projects.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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