Risks that can compromise data during transmission and loading

Data transfer from one place to another and loading into a database or another system for archival and analysis are referred to as data transmission and loading. This procedure may entail physically transporting data between two locations, like using a USB drive, or communicating data through networks like the internet.

Data security and integrity during transmission and loading cannot be emphasized enough. It is the lifeblood of enterprises, thus it is essential that it is communicated, loaded, and stored properly and securely to enable its optimal use. While data security refers to shielding data from hazards like illegal access, data integrity refers to the correctness and completeness of data.

During transmission and loading, a number of dangers have the potential to compromise data. These include duplicate data, lost data, corrupted data, and illegal access. In this post, we'll take a careful look at the dangers that might compromise data when it's being loaded and sent, along with appropriate mitigation strategies.

Risk 1: Unauthorized Access

Data transmission across an unsecured network or when the data is not adequately encrypted might result in unauthorized access to the data while it is in transit. Unauthorized users can quickly gain access to insecure networks like public Wi-Fi networks, where they can then intercept and access the data being transferred. Similarly, information can potentially be viewed by unauthorized people if it is transferred via a network and is not securely encrypted.

Insecure networks and protocols examples include −

  • Public Wi-Fi networks that are readily accessible to everyone around.

  • Data in transit is not encrypted by the plain-text HTTP protocol.

  • Other plain-text protocols that don't encrypt data in transit include Telnet and FTP.

It is crucial to encrypt data in transit using secure protocols like HTTPS and SSL/TLS to reduce the danger of unwanted access to data while it is being transmitted. Adequate access restrictions, such as user authentication and role-based access, should be put in place as another crucial method. Remember that encryption and VPNs are necessary but insufficient on their own; they must be a part of a comprehensive security strategy that also includes access controls, monitoring, incident response, and regular security assessments to guarantee that data integrity and security are upheld during transmission and loading.

Risk 2: Data Loss

When data is transported across an unstable network or when there are problems with the transmission itself, data loss can occur. Network outages, poor connection, and hardware failures are examples of such problems.

Unreliable networks and transmission problems include −

  • Natural catastrophes, power outages, and other challenges can create network disruptions, which can cause data transfer to be halted or lost.

  • Data loss or distortion can occur during transmission due to poor connection caused by variables such as distance, geography, or interference.

  • Hardware issues, such as faulty network cards or hard drives, can result in data loss or corruption during transmission.

Use reliable data transmissions protocols, such as TCP and FTP, which have built-in error correction and data recovery capabilities, to reduce the chance of data loss during data transfer. These protocols aid in ensuring that data is reliably sent and that any lost or damaged data can be retrieved. Using a trustworthy data backup service is a crucial additional tactic.

Risk 3: Data Corruption

Data corruption can happen when it is not fully checked or cleaned before being loaded into a system, or when data is transferred across a network with too much delay or packet loss. Errors in the data being communicated as a consequence of excessive latency or packet loss might result in data corruption. Similarly to this, improper data verification or cleaning before importation into a system can lead to errors and inconsistencies that destroy data.

The following are some examples of network latency and packet loss −

  • Data loss or corruption can occur during transmission owing to excessive latency, which occurs when data moves from one location to another with a delay.

  • Data loss or corruption can also occur as a result of packet loss, which occurs when a portion of the data packets being sent is lost or dropped.

Data validation and cleaning methods, such as checksums and data scrubbing, should be employed to limit the risk of data corruption during data transmission and loading. Checksums are used to check the integrity of data, whereas data scrubbing is used to clean and rectify data problems.


In conclusion, it's necessary to be aware of the hazards that might damage data during data transfer and loading, which are crucial processes in any data management process. Organizations can reduce these risks and aid in ensuring the integrity and security of their data by utilizing secure protocols, trustworthy data transmission methods, data validation and cleaning processes, and dependable data backup solutions.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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