Remove all characters of first string from second JavaScript

Let’s say, we have two strings that contains characters in no specific order. We are required to write a function that takes in these two strings and returns a modified version of the second string in which all the characters that were present in the first string are omitted.

Following are our strings −

const first = "hello world";
const second = "hey there";

Following is our function to remove all characters of first string from second −

const removeAll = (first, second) => {
   const newArr = second.split("").filter(el => {
      return !first.includes(el);
   return newArr.join("");

Let's write the code for this function −


const first = "hello world";
const second = "hey there";
const removeAll = (first, second) => {
   const newArr = second.split("").filter(el => {
      return !first.includes(el);
   return newArr.join("");
console.log(removeAll(first, second));


The output in the console will be −


Updated on: 31-Aug-2020


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