Recently, a ban on plastic bags has been imposed in many places? Is the ban justified? Give reasons in three sentences.

Yes, a ban on plastic bags is justified because:

  1. Plastics are non-biodegradable, hence, give out harmful gases on burning which may cause environmental pollution and many health problems including cancer in humans.
  2. The sewage system gets clogged due to the blockage of waste in the drains. During heavy rains, it might even create a flood-like situation.
  3.  Stray animals looking for food in the plastic bags, end up swallowing the bags which may cause death due to choking.

Extra information: 

Biodegradable substances are those substances that decompose easily through the actions of bacteria, fungi, and other living organisms. Examples include Food waste, Human waste, Paper waste, Manure, Sewage, Hospital waste, Sewage sludge, and Slaughterhouse waste.

Non-biodegradable substances are those substances that do not decompose easily by the action of bacteria, fungi, and other living organisms. Examples include plastics, metallic cans and pesticides, metals, fibers, glass, hazardous wastes, etc.

Updated on: 01-Feb-2023


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