Python – Test if all rows contain any common element with other Matrix

When it is required to test if all rows contain any common element with other matrix, a simple iteration and a flag value are used.


Below is a demonstration of the same

my_list_1 = [[3, 16, 1], [2, 4], [4, 31, 31]]
my_list_2 = [[42, 16, 12], [42, 8, 12], [31, 7, 10]]

print("The first list is :")
print("The second list is :")

my_result = True

for idx in range(0, len(my_list_1)):

   temp = False

   for element in my_list_1[idx]:
      if element in my_list_2[idx]:
         temp = True

   if not temp :
      my_result = False

if(temp == True):
   print("The two matrices contain common elements")
   print("The two matrices don't contain common elements")


The first list is :
[[3, 16, 1], [2, 4], [4, 31, 31]]
The second list is :
[[42, 16, 12], [42, 8, 12], [31, 7, 10]]
The two matrices don't contain common elements


  • Two lists of lists are defined and are displayed on the console.

  • A variable is set to Boolean ‘True’.

  • The first list is iterated and a temporary variable is set to Boolean ‘False’.

  • If the element is present in the second list, then the temporary variable is set to Boolean ‘True’.

  • The control breaks out of the loop.

  • If the temporary variable is False outside the loop, the control breaks out of the loop.

  • In the end, based on the value of the temporary variable, the relevant message is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 14-Sep-2021


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