Python - Remove all occurrences in nested list

When working with settled records in Python, there are circumstances where we have to expel all events of a particular component. Whether it's sifting undesirable information or simplifying complex structures, evacuating components from settled lists could be a common assignment. In this article, we'll investigate distinctive approaches to realize this objective. We'll talk about calculations, step-by-step methods, and give Python sentence structure cases for each approach. By understanding these procedures, you'll pick up the capacity to productively control settled records in Python and tailor them to suit your particular needs.

Advantages of Removing all occurrences in nested list

Straightforwardness and Coherence − Python gives a clean and instinctive sentence structure, making it less demanding to compose and get code. Evacuating all events in a settled list utilizing Python is direct, and much appreciated for its straightforwardness and coherence. This permits effective improvement and investigation.

Adaptability − Python offers numerous approaches to expel all events in a settled list, giving engineers the flexibility to select the strategy that best fits their particular necessities. Whether it's utilizing list comprehension, recursion, or iterative calculations, Python allows for adaptability in actualizing the required arrangement.

Capable List Control − Python gives vigorous built-in functions and strategies for controlling records. By leveraging these highlights, evacuating all events in a settled list gets to be a consistent handle. Capacities like evacuate(), del and list comprehension make it simple to channel out undesirable components based on particular conditions.

Taking care of Complex Settled Structures − Settled records can regularly speak to complex information structures. Python's capacity to handle settled structures easily makes it a perfect choice for evacuating all events in such scenarios. The recursive approach, in specific, streamlines the expulsion preparation by navigating through settled levels and proficiently expelling components.

Time and Space Productivity − Python's built-in list control capacities are optimized for execution.

Community and Environment − Python benefits from a dynamic community. This implies that designers have got too broad documentation, instructional exercises, and libraries. Various open-source bundles and systems exist to bolster proficient list control and information handling, giving extra assets for evacuating events in settled records.

Interoperability − Python is exceedingly flexible and can coordinate well with other programming dialects and apparatuses. This interoperability makes it helpful to expel all events in a settled list, indeed when managing information from diverse sources or in collaboration with frameworks executed in other dialects.

Approach 1: By using user defined function


  • Step 1 − Creation of function named remove_occurrences(). After that initialize an empty list.

  • Step 2 − Use for loop to iterate the specified element in a nested list.

  • Step 3 − If the item is a list, recursively call the remove_occurrences() function on its sublists.

  • Step 4 − If the element does not match the target element, add it to the result list.

  • Step 5 −Returns a result list.


def remove_occurrences(nested_list, target):
   result = []
   for element in nested_list:
      if isinstance(element, list):
         result.append(remove_occurrences(element, target))
      elif element != target:
   return result

nested_list = [1, [2, 3, 2], [4, [5, 2, 6]], 2]
target = 2
output = remove_occurrences(nested_list, target)


[1, [3], [4, [5, 6]]]

Approach 2: By using recursion to modify the original list


  • Step 1 − Define a function remove_occurrences() that contains two arguments in the function definition.

  • Step 2 − In case the thing could be a list, recursively call the remove_occurrences() work on its sublists.

  • Step 3 − If the component matches the target component, utilize the del keyword to expel it from the list.

  • Step 4 − Returns an adjusted list.


#define function
def remove_occurrences(nested_list, target):
   for i in range(len(nested_list) - 1, -1, -1):
      element = nested_list[i]
      if isinstance(element, list):
         remove_occurrences(element, target)
      elif element == target:
         del nested_list[i]
   return nested_list
#Initialize the nested list
nested_list = [1, [2, 3, 2], [4, [5, 2, 6]], 2]
target = 2
output = remove_occurrences(nested_list, target)


[1, [3], [4, [5, 6]]]


In this article, we have considered three different approaches to removing all occurrences in a nested list. We provided examples of calculations, step-by-step methods, and Python sentence structure for each approach. Which approach you choose depends on the specific requirements of your course and the structure of your information. With an understanding of these strategies, you can effectively control a fixed data set in Python to suit your needs.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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