Python Program to test whether the length of rows are in increasing order

When it is required to test whether the length of rows are in increasing order, a simple iteration and a Boolean value is used.

Below is a demonstration of the same −


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my_list = [[55], [12, 17], [25, 32, 24], [58, 36, 57, 19, 14]]

print("The list is :")

my_result = True

for index in range(len(my_list) - 1) :
   if len(my_list[index + 1]) <= len(my_list[index]):
      my_result = False

print("The result is :")

if(my_result == True):
print("The rows are increasing in length")
print("The rows aren't increasing in length")


The list is :
[[55], [12, 17], [25, 32, 24], [58, 36, 57, 19, 14]]
The result is :
The rows are increasing in length


  • A list of list with integers is defined and is displayed on the console.

  • A variable is assigned Boolean value ‘True’.

  • The list is iterated over, and the size of the lists is compared with its consecutive lists.

  • If a specific condition is fulfilled, i.e if the length of list is lesser then the length of the consecutive list, the Boolean value is initialized to ‘True.

  • The control breaks out of the loop.

  • In the end, depending on the Boolean value, the relevant message is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 04-Sep-2021


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