Python program to extract rows from Matrix that has distinct data types

When it is required to extract rows from a matrix with different data types, it is iterated over and ‘set’ is used to get the distinct types.


Below is a demonstration of the same

my_list = [[4, 2, 6], ["python", 2, {6: 2}], [3, 1, "fun"], [9, (4, 3)]]

print("The list is :")
my_result = []
for sub in my_list:

   type_size = len(list(set([type(ele) for ele in sub])))

   if len(sub) == type_size:

print("The resultant distinct data type rows are :")


The list is :
[[4, 2, 6], ['python', 2, {6: 2}], [3, 1, 'fun'], [9, (4, 3)]]
The resultant distinct data type rows are :
[['python', 2, {6: 2}], [9, (4, 3)]]


  • A list of different data types is defined and is displayed on the console

  • An empty list is defined.

  • The original list is iterated over, and the type of every element is determined.

  • It is converted into a set type, and then into a list.

  • Its size is determined, and it is compared with the specific size.

  • If they match, it is appended to the empty list.

  • This is displayed as output on the console.

Updated on: 20-Sep-2021


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