Python Program to check Involutory Matrix

In this article, we will learn a python program to check Involutory Matrix.

Assume we have taken an input matrix. We will now check whether the input matrix is an Involutory Matrix using the below methods.

Methos Used

The following are the various methods to accomplish this task −

  • Using Nested For Loop

  • Using NumPy module

What is an Involutory Matrix?

If a matrix multiplies by itself and gives the identity matrix, it is said to be an involutory matrix. The matrix that is its inverse is the involutory matrix.

If A * A = I, matrix A is referred to as an involutory matrix. Here the I represents the Identity matrix.

Method 1: Using Nested For Loop

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithms/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Create a variable to store the number of rows of a matrix.

  • Create a function multiplyMatrix() to perform matrix multiplication by accepting the input matrix

  • Perform matrix multiplication.

  • Use the return statement to return the resultant matrix multiplication output.

  • Create a function checkInvolutoryMat() to check whether the input matrix is an involuntary matrix by accepting the input matrix as an argument.

  • Create a rows*rows size matrix with all elements as 0 and store this as a outputMatrix.

  • Call the above multiplyMatrix() function to perform matrix multiplication and save the result in the above outputMatrix Variable.

  • Iterate through every element of the outputMatrix.

  • Check if the diagonal element is not 1 using if conditional statement then if it is true so return False i.e not an involuntary Matrix.

  • Check if the non-diagonal element is not 0 using if conditional statement then if it is true so return False i.e, not an involuntary Matrix.

  • Create a variable to store the input matrix.

  • Use the if conditional statement to check whether the above-defined checkInvolutoryMat() function returns true by passing the input matrix as an argument.

  • Print an involuntary matrix if the condition is true.

  • Else printing NOT involuntary matrix


The following program checks whether the input matrix is an involuntary matrix using the nested for loops −

# input no of rows
rows = 3
# creating a function to perform matrix multiplication
def multiplyMatrix(inputMatrix, output):
   # traversing through the rows of a matrix
      for p in range(rows):
         # traversing through all the columns of a current row
         for q in range(rows):
            # assuming the current element is 0
               output[p][q] = 0
               for x in range(rows):
                  # performing matrix multiplication
                  output[p][q] += inputMatrix[p][x] * inputMatrix[x][q]
      # returning the resultant matrix multiplication output
      return output
# creating a function to check whether the input matrix
# is an involuntary  matrix by accepting matrix as an argument
def checkInvolutoryMat(inputMatrix):
   # Creating a rows*rows size matrix with all elements as 0
      output = [[0 for p in range(rows)]
              for q in range(rows)]
      # calling the above multiplyMatrix() function
      output = multiplyMatrix(inputMatrix, output)
   # Iterating in the rows of the output matrix
      for p in range(rows):
         # Iterating in the diagonals of the output matrix
            for q in range(rows):
               # If it is a diagonal element and if it is not 1 then return False(Not Involuntary)
               if (p == q and output[p][q] != 1):
                  return False
               # If it is a non-diagonal element and if it is not 1 then return False(Not Involuntary)
               if (p != q and output[p][q] != 0):
                  return False
      # It is an involuntary matrix so return True
      return True
# input matrix
inputMatrix = [[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]
# checking whether the above checkInvolutoryMat() function returns true
# by passing the input matrix as an argument
if (checkInvolutoryMat(inputMatrix)):
   # printing involuntary matrix if the condition is true
      print("The input matrix is an Involutory matrix")
   # else printing NOT involuntary matrix
      print("The input matrix is NOT an Involutory matrix")


The input matrix is an Involutory matrix

Time Complexity − O(N^3)

Auxiliary Space − O(N^2)

Method 2: Using the NumPy module

Utilizing the numpy library is another method for determining whether the matrix is involutory. This can be achieved by comparing the matrix with its inverse using the numpy.allclose() function.

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithm/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Use the import keyword to import the numpy module.

  • Create a function checkInvolutoryMat() to check whether the input matrix is an involuntary matrix by accepting the input matrix as an argument.

  • Use the numpy.linalg.inv() function(calculates the inverse of a matrix) to get the inverse of an input matrix.

  • Use the numpy.allclose() function to check whether the input matrix is equal to its inverse by passing the input matrix and its inverse matrix as arguments and return the result.

  • If two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance, the allclose() function will return True.

  • The tolerance values are positive and frequently have very small values.


The following program checks whether the input matrix is an involuntary matrix using numpy.linalg.inv(), numpy.allclose() functions −

# using the numpy module
import numpy as np
# creating a function to check whether the input matrix
# is an involuntary  matrix by accepting matrix as an argument
def checkInvolutoryMat(inputMatrix):
   # Getting the inverse of an input matrix using the numpy linalg module
      inverseMat = np.linalg.inv(inputMatrix)
      # checking whether the input matrix is equal to its inverse matrix
      # using the numpy.allclose() function and returning the result
      return np.allclose(inputMatrix, inverseMat)
# input matrix
inputMatrix = [[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]
# calling the checkInvolutoryMat() function by passing the input matrix as an argument
# The output True indicates an INVOLUNTARY matrix



In the above example, the output True represents the given input matrix is an Involuntary matrix.

This method makes use of the numpy's optimized linear algebra routines and has the advantage of being shorter and simpler to comprehend. The time complexity of this approach is dependent on the complexity of the matrix inverse calculation, which is typically O(N^3) for dense matrices. The space complexity is O(N^2).

Time Complexity − O(N^3)

Space Complexity − O(N^2)


In this article, we learned how to use two distinct ways to determine whether a given matrix is involuntary or not. We learned how to utilize the NumPy module's linalg.inv() function to get the inverse of a given matrix.

Updated on: 31-Jan-2023


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