Python Program for Convert characters of a string to opposite case

In this problem, we will toggle the case of each string character. The easiest way to toggle the case of each string character is using the swapcase() built-in method.

Also, we can use the ASCII values of the characters to swap their case. Python also contains isUpper() and isLower() methods to check the character's case and the lower() and upper() method to change the case.

Here, we will learn different approaches to solving the problem.

Problem statement - We have given a string alpha. We need to toggle the case of string characters. It means converting uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase characters to uppercase.

Sample examples


alpha = "TutorialsPoint"



Explanation - Here, we have toggled the case of each character.


alpha = “AAAA”




alpha = '12qwER@'



Explanation - We changed the case of each alphabetical character and kept special characters as it is.

Approach 1

In this approach, we add 32 to the ASCII value of the character if the character is in uppercase. Otherwise, we subtract the 32 from the ASCII value of the character to convert the character to uppercase.


Step 1 - Convert the string to the list of characters.

Step 2 - Traverse the list of characters.

Step 3 - If the character is between 'A' to 'Z', add 32 to the ASCII value of the character, and update the character in the list.

Step 4 - If the character is between 'a' to 'z', subtract the 32 from the character's ASCII value and update the character in the list.

Step 5 - Use the join() method to convert all characters of the list into the string.

Step 6 - Return the resultant string.


def changeCase(alpha):
   alpha_list = list(alpha)  # String to list
# Traverse list of string characters
   for p in range(len(alpha_list)):
     if alpha_list[p] >= 'A' and alpha_list[p] <= 'Z':
       alpha_list[p] = chr(ord(alpha_list[p]) + 32)  # Change to lowercase
     elif alpha_list[p] >= 'a' and alpha_list[p] <= 'z':
       alpha_list[p] = chr(ord(alpha_list[p]) - 32)  # Change to uppercase

   alpha = ''.join(alpha_list)  # List to string
   return alpha
alpha = "TutorialsPoint"
alpha = changeCase(alpha)
print("The string after flipping the case of each character is -", alpha)


The string after flipping the case of each character is - tUTORIALSpOINT

Time complexity - O(N) to traverse the string characters.

Space complexity - O(N) to store the string in the list of characters.

Approach 2

In this approach, we use the isUpper() method to check whether the character is in uppercase. Also, we use the upper() and lower() methods to convert the character to uppercase and lowercase, respectively.


Step 1 - Initialize the 'temp' with an empty string to store the resultant string.

Step 2 - Iterate the string.

Step 3 - If a character is in uppercase, use the lower() method to convert the character into lowercase and append it to the temp string.

Step 4 - Otherwise, use the upper() method to convert the character to uppercase and append it to the temp string.

Step 5 - Return the 'temp' string.


def changeCase(alpha):
   temp = ""
   for ch in alpha:
     # Using the isupper() method to check if the character is uppercase or not
     if (ch.isupper()):
       # Converting a character to lowercase
       temp += ch.lower()
       temp += ch.upper()  # Converting a character to uppercase
   return temp
alpha = "TutorialsPoint"
alpha = changeCase(alpha)
print("The string after flipping the case of each character is -", alpha)


The string after flipping the case of each character is - tUTORIALSpOINT

Time complexity - O(N) for traversing the string.

Space complexity - O(N) to store the resultant string.

Approach 3

In this approach, we use the swapcase() method to toggle the case of the character. We stored the alpha string to itself after toggling the case of each character.


def changeCase(alpha):
   # Using the swapcase() function to toggle the case of characters of the string
   alpha = alpha.swapcase()
   return alpha
alpha = "AbcSDe"
alpha = changeCase(alpha)
print("The string after flipping the case of each character is -", alpha)


The string after flipping the case of each character is - aBCsdE

Time complexity - O(N)

Space complexity - O(1)

Approach 4

In this approach, we will use the regular expression and lambda function to toggle the case of each string character.


Step 1 - Initialize the 'patt' to search for the lowercase and uppercase alphabetical characters.

Step 2 - Next, use the re.sub() method to replace all alphabetical characters with their opposite case.

Step 3 - Use the 'patt' as the first parameter of the sub() method, the lambda function to toggle the character as a second parameter, and the original string as a third parameter.

Step 4 - Return the alpha string.


import re
def changeCase(alpha):
   # Regular expression
   patt = r'[a-zA-Z]'
   # Toggle case of each character
   alpha = re.sub(patt, lambda ch:
         if else, alpha)
   return alpha
alpha = "TutorialsPoint"
alpha = changeCase(alpha)
print("The string after flipping the case of each character is -", alpha)


The string after flipping the case of each character is - tUTORIALSpOINT

Time complexity - O(N)

Space complexity - O(1)

Approach 5

In this approach, we will perform the XOR operation of the ASCII value of the character with the 32 to toggle the case.

When we take XOR of 32 with any alphabetical character, it toggles the 6th bit of the binary representation of the ASCII value.

Let's understand it via the example below.

  • 65 = 'A' = 1000001

  • 97 = 'a' = 1100001

  • 32 = 0100000

So, when we take the XOR of 65 and 32, it becomes 97 as the 6th bit gets flipped, and similarly, the XOR of 97 and 32 becomes 32.

This will work for all ASCII values of the alphabetical characters.


Step 1 - Start traversing the string.

Step 2 - Execute the isAlphabeticChar() function to check whether the current character is alphabetical.

Step 3 - In the isAlphabeticChar() function, return true if the ASCII value is between 65 and 90 or 97 and 122. Otherwise, return false.

Step 4 - If the current character is an alphabetical character, take its XOR with 32, and append the updated character to the 'temp' string.

Step 5 - Otherwise, append the original character to the temp string.

Step 6 - Return the temp string.


def isAlphbeticChar(char):
	Ascii = ord(char[0])

	# Using ASCII values to validate character
	if((Ascii >= 65 and Ascii <= 90) or (Ascii >= 97 and Ascii <= 122)):
		return True
		return False

def changeCase(alpha):
	temp = ""
	for ch in range(len(alpha)):
			temp += chr(ord(alpha[ch]) ^ (1 << 5))
			temp += alpha[ch]
	return temp
alpha = "TutorialsPoint"
alpha = changeCase(alpha)
print("The string after flipping the case of each character is -", alpha)


The string after flipping the case of each character is - tUTORIALSpOINT

Time complexity - O(N)

Space complexity - O(N)

We learned 5 approaches to toggle each character of the string. The first approach uses the ASCII value, and the second approach uses the isUpper(), upper(), and lower() methods.

Furthermore, the third approach uses the swapcase() method, the fourth approach uses the regular expression, and the last approach uses the XOR operator.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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