Python – Minimum Sum of Consecutive Characters


In Python programming, the task of finding the minimum sum of consecutive characters in each string could be a common issue experienced in different applications. The objective is to recognize a sub−string that comes about within the littlest whole when considering the ASCII values of its characters. This article investigates diverse approaches to handling issues utilizing Python. The article starts by presenting the significance of finding the least entirety of continuous characters and their pertinence in fathoming real−world issues. It highlights the centrality of effective calculations in optimizing the computation of the least entirety.

Python − Minimum Sum of Consecutive Characters

In Python programming, the task of finding the least entirety of sequential characters in each string includes distinguishing a sub−string inside the string that produces the littlest entirety when considering the ASCII values of its characters. The objective is to decide the sub−string that comes about within the least whole among all conceivable sub−strings.

To solve this issue, we can utilize different approaches and methods in Python. These approaches include repeating through the string and calculating the wholes of successive sub−strings, comparing them, and keeping track of the least entirety encountered. By considering the ASCII values of the characters and performing suitable calculations, able to discover the sub−string that yields the least whole.

Python offers a few built-in capacities and highlights that encourage the execution of these approaches. Capacities such as ord() can be utilized to get the ASCII esteem of a character, whereas loops and conditional explanations empower us to repeat through the string and perform vital calculations. By leveraging these capabilities, ready to successfully fathom the issue and get the required least entirety of continuous characters.

Approach 1: Using Brute Force

The primary approach could be a brute force strategy that includes repeating through all conceivable sequential sub-strings within the given string. Here are the steps to unravel the issue utilizing this approach:


Step 1 :Initialize a variable min_sum with a huge value, such as interminability, to keep track of the least sum experienced.

Step 2 :Emphasize through all conceivable sub−strings of the given string utilizing two settled loops. The external circle decides the beginning record of the sub−string, and the inward loop decides the finishing index.

Step 3 :Calculate the entirety of the current sub−string utilizing Python's built−in sum() function or by physically emphasizing through the sub−string and including up the characters' values.

Step 4 :Compare the calculated entirety with the current least sum (min_sum). In case the calculated entirety is minimum, upgrade min_sum with the unused least entirety.

Step 5 :Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all substrings.

Step 6 :Return the ultimate least entirety (min_sum) as the result.


def minimum_sum_of_consecutive_chars(string):
    min_sum = float('inf')
    length = len(string)

    for i in range(length):
        for j in range(i, length):
            substring = string[i:j+1]
            current_sum = sum(ord(c) for c in substring)
            min_sum = min(min_sum, current_sum)

    return min_sum

string = "abcde"



Approach 2: Using Dynamic Programming

The second approach utilizes dynamic programming to unravel the least entirety of successive characters’ issues more effectively. This approach maintains a strategic distance from excess calculations by putting away that comes about of subproblems in a memorization table. Here are the steps to actualize this approach:


Step 1 :Define the user-defined function. Determine the length of the string.

Step 2 :Initialize the base cases. Set memo[i][i] (corner to corner components) to the ASCII esteem of the character at list i within the string.

Step 3 :Emphasize through all sub−strings of length l from 2 to the length of the string. For each sub−string, emphasize through all beginning lists

Step 4 :Calculate the entirety of the current sub−string and overhaul the comparing passage within the memorization table.

Step 5 :At last, return the least entirety from the top−right corner of the memoization table.


def minimum_sum_of_consecutive_chars(string):
    length = len(string)
    memo = [[0] * length for _ in range(length)]

    for i in range(length):
        memo[i][i] = ord(string[i])

    for l in range(2, length + 1):
        for i in range(length - l + 1):
            j = i + l - 1
            memo[i][j] = memo[i][j - 1] + ord(string[j])

    return min(memo[i][j] for i in range(length) for j in range(i, length))

string = "abcde"



Approach 3: Using Sliding Window

The third approach, known as the sliding window method, optimizes the past approach encouraged by killing excess calculations. Rather than iterating through all conceivable substrings, this approach keeps up a sliding window that speaks to the current substring being considered. Here are the steps to execute the sliding window approach:


Step 1 :Initialize two pointers, begin and conclusion, at the start of the string.

Step 2 :Initialize a variable current_sum to keep track of the sum of the current window.

Step 3 :Initialize min_sum with interminability

Step 4 :Return the least entirety (min_sum) as the result.


def minimum_sum_of_consecutive_chars(string):
    start = 0
    end = 0
    length = len(string)
    current_sum = ord(string[0])
    min_sum = float('inf')

    while end < length:
        if current_sum < min_sum:
            min_sum = current_sum

        end += 1

        if end < length:
            current_sum += ord(string[end])

        while current_sum >= min_sum and start < end:
            current_sum -= ord(string[start])
            start += 1

    return min_sum

string = "abcde"




We investigated three diverse approaches to fathom the least whole of sequential characters issue in Python. We talked about a brute constraint approach, an energetic programming approach, and a sliding window approach. Each approach had it possess steps, code execution, and yield, displaying distinctive algorithmic methods to handle the issue proficiently. By understanding these approaches, you'll select the foremost appropriate arrangement for your particular prerequisites and optimize the computation of the least wholes of successive characters in Python.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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