Python - Group contiguous strings in List

When it is required to group the contiguous elements of a string that are present in a list, a method is defined that uses ‘groupby’, and ‘yield’.


Below is a demonstration of the same

from itertools import groupby

def string_check(elem):
   return isinstance(elem, str)

def group_string(my_list):

      for key, grp in groupby(my_list, key=string_check):
         if key:
            yield list(grp)
            yield from grp
my_list = [52, 11, 'py', 'th', 'on', 11, 52, 'i', 's', 18, 'f', 'un', 99]

print("The list is :")

my_result = [*group_string(my_list)]

print("The result is:")


The list is :
[52, 11, 'py', 'th', 'on', 11, 52, 'i', 's', 18, 'f', 'un', 99]
The result is:
[52, 11, ['py', 'th', 'on'], 11, 52, ['i', 's'], 18, ['f', 'un'], 99]


  • A method named ‘string_check’ is defined that takes a list as parameter and checks to see if it belongs to a certain instance type.

  • Another method named ‘group_string’ is defined that takes a list as parameter and uses yield to return the output using ‘groupby’ method.

  • Outside the method, a list is defined and is displayed on the console.

  • The ‘group_string’ is called and the result is assigned to a variable.

  • This is displayed as output on the console.

Updated on: 21-Sep-2021


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