Python – All combinations of a Dictionary List

When it is required to display all the combinations of a dictionary list, a simple list comprehension and the ‘zip’ method along with the ‘product’ method are used.

Below is a demonstration of the same −


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from itertools import product

my_list_1 = ["python", "is", "fun"]
my_list_2 = [24, 15]

print("The first list is :")
print("The second list is :")

temp = product(my_list_2, repeat = len(my_list_1))

my_result = [{key : value for (key , value) in zip(my_list_1, element)} for element in temp]

print("The result is :")


The first list is :
['python', 'is', 'fun']
The second list is :
[24, 15]
The result is :
[{'python': 24, 'is': 24, 'fun': 24}, {'python': 24, 'is': 24, 'fun': 15}, {'python': 24, 'is': 15, 'fun': 24}, {'python': 24, 'is': 15, 'fun': 15}, {'python': 15, 'is': 24, 'fun': 24}, {'python': 15, 'is': 24, 'fun': 15}, {'python': 15, 'is': 15, 'fun': 24}, {'python': 15, 'is': 15, 'fun': 15}]


  • The required packages are imported into the environment.

  • Two lists are defined and displayed on the console.

  • The cartesian product of the two lists is calculated using the ‘product’ method.

  • This result is assigned to a variable.

  • A list comprehension is used to iterate over the list, and the elements of first list and elements of previously defined variable are used to create a dictionary.

  • This is assigned to a variable.

  • This is the output that is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 06-Sep-2021


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