Print all words occurring in a sentence exactly K times

When it is required to print all the words occurring in a sentence exactly K times, a method is defined that uses the ‘split’ method, ‘remove’ method and the ‘count’ methods. The method is called by passing the required parameters and output is displayed.


Below is a demonstration of the same

def key_freq_words(my_string, K):
   my_list = list(my_string.split(" "))
   for i in my_list:
      if my_list.count(i) == K:

my_string = "hi there how are you, how are u"
K = 2
print("The string is :")
print"The repeated words with frequency", " are :"
key_freq_words(my_string, K)


The string is :
hi there how are you, how are u
The repeated words with frequency 2 are :


  • A method named ‘key_freq_words’ is defined that takes a string and a key as parameter.

  • The string is split based on spaces, and assigned to a list.

  • This list is iterated over, and if the count of an element is equal to the key values, it is displayed on the console.

  • Once it has been printed, it is removed from the list.

  • Outside the method, a string is defined, and is displayed on the console.

  • The value for key is defined.

  • The method is called by passing the string and the key.

  • The output is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 15-Sep-2021


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